
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Our first travels

Here we are, finally arrived at our destination: the province of Alberta. This is Kevin Prada, once more, your friendly neighborhood Team 3 blogger. These past few days, which we have spent traveling from our home base in Ottawa, to our current location in Red Deer, have been an absolute blessing.

If I were to offer you right now the chance to spend the next five days of your life traveling in two mini-vans, through cold, snow, and sleet, I’m pretty sure some wouldn’t be too quick to jump on the opportunity. But sincerely, this journey has been amazing! We got to see a bit of everything of our beautiful country’s landscape, all from northern Ontario’s lakes and mountain-like hills (I’m from Manitoba, so for me, any height that makes my ears pop is considered a mountain), to Manitoba and Saskatchewan’s open prairies, and Alberta’s Rocky Mountains, visible on the horizon from our host home here in Red Deer.

It really gave me time to reflect on the beautiful gift God has given us in the nature that surrounds us! Seriously! Just take a minute to look outside, and think about how big this thing we call earth really is! And it is all one big massive gift from the Creator to the created, you and me. Coming from Winnipeg, I find it easy to complain: our provincial bird being the mosquito, and Winnipeg’s only season being winter. But it really stunned me how awesome, immense, and complex this home we have been given really is, and gave me a new appreciation for this God-given gift.

This time also enabled us to bond as a team. Hey, being enclosed in a space equivalent to a large closet with a bunch of people of your age, for five days straight, funny things are going to happen. So many anecdotes to tell, so many stories to share! I can really tell that our team is finding its own personality, its own identity, and forming itself into quite the family.

So far, nothing but awesome things to report from our end! We just finished our first few retreats on the road, and they went very well! We are definitely all accompanied by the grace of God, and can really see Him at work!

Thank you so much for your continued support and prayers!

Here is a picture of us crossing our first provincial border to my home turf, Manitoba (I’m the big guy in the middle of the top row).

God Bless,

Kevin Prada
Team 3 Les Equip NET

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