
Monday, October 19, 2009

Team 1 is in London!

Hey everyone!!!

My name is Sean Milan. I am 18 years old, from a little town in Ontario called Barry's Bay, and this is my first year on the road with NET Ministries!!

Yes, yes, I know, I know, I have missed a few blogs, and I can explain....... but I would rather tell you about what our team has been up to!

So we have officially finished our first diocese, Yeeaaaaahhhhhh. Well, I don't know about you, but I'm pretty excited. Over the Thanksgiving weekend we took a little trip to Algonquin Park, to the Barron Canyon!

The Barron Canyon, in a nutshell, is pretty BIG! Everyone had a great time. Rachel, Richard and Alexes were really excited to see a moose, but they didn't - but they did see a fox! There were a couple of close calls, Brandi and Mike were getting way too close to the edge. Some of us chose to stay and hug the trees, rather than risk our lives for the beautiful view.

Our Encounter Days have been going great! We traveled all day on the 401 to our next diocese (I really dislike the 401). We are currently in the London Diocese, to do a Youth Rally for boys and girls who are preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation. It's going to be crazy awesome; everyone is pretty stoked!

Well, I must go now and run in a corn field, no joke. I have to go, so until next time. Cool Beans!

God Speed,

Sean Milan
Team 1
P.S. Everyone Says Hi!!


  1. BEAUTIFUL pictures guys!
    It sounds like you are doing so much good:)
    I am praying for you all and send my love

  2. Team one... you guys are freaking fantastic. Keep the blogs coming, I love reading about how you're doing! You've been in my prayers. God BLESS YOU!!

