
Monday, October 19, 2009

Bon Fire in Fort Francis

Hey Everyone! It's Claire with a new report from Team 2! First of all, last Tuesday we had to say good-bye to Frosty, our fifteen-passenger van. It was a sad day for us, because we love traveling all together. We now have two mini vans, but we still stay connected via walkie-talkies.

We've done a lot of traveling this past week. Our trip to Thunder Bay was very scenic; Lake Superior and the fall colours were absolutely beautiful! We were glad to be able to stay together as a team for several nights. For two nights we stayed at a rectory and attended Sunday Mass at the Church. Afterword, the priest told us that he has never seen the Church so full at a regular Sunday Mass. He said he felt it was because of our prayers. Wow!

Today we had a great day in Fort Francis! One of our host families coordinates the Life Teen program, and they invited us to a bonfire. It was held at a cottage where the owners invite the NET team to stay every year. Unfortunately, we weren't able to stay overnight, but were able to spend the afternoon. Several of the youth from Life Teen came out and we really enjoyed spending time with them. They were very excited to have us; they wanted us to sing for them, so Christian led us in some campfire praise and worship! At the end of the night, they shared with us how much they were inspired by our witness. It was also an inspiration to us, and we were reminded how much we can minister outside of our Encounter Days!

The rest of our week is full with Encounter Days and we're ready to begin!

God Bless,

Claire Labish
Team 2

1 comment:

  1. It was so nice meeting all of you last friday. thank you for taking part in NET and spreading God's love. we are praying for you. the senko family.
