
Thursday, October 22, 2009

First Lifenight!!!

Hello Everyone!

This is Shayla from Team 5. Every day God is constantly showing us how He's working through us in this ministry. One of those ways was through our first Life Night this past Sunday and through our first outreach program at St. John's Catholic High School.

I'm not gonna lie, I was a bit nervous for the Life Night. I think mainly because I was leading music, but also because I didn't know what to expect. I just really tried not to put expectations on the night because I didn't know how many teens were going to show up, and I also didn't know how well it was going to go. I later realized that I shouldn't be worrying about these details because in the end, it all happens according to God's plan. If one person shows up, then it was meant for that one person to show up for us to plant that seed for God to work on.

So, to start the night right, even after our team prayed together, I made my own personal prayer. Basically I was asking the Holy Spirit to lead the Life Night through my team and me. Man, I'm telling you, that prayer really works!

The night began with Mass. I was really happy because I wasn't nervous, but also because the congregation was singing along to all the mass parts and other songs! As a music leader, that makes me really happy. The best part was during a part in 'Shine Like the Son' where one line is cut out of the Chorus. But people always forget about it and keep singing. Well, we had that split moment of silence, but I was able to hear all the voices that were singing along to the song. It brought a massive smile to my face!

After the Mass, my team and I were really surprised because all the teens were rushing to the hall to get started. They were all, for the most part, really excited to be there. As the night started I couldn't believe my eyes at what I was seeing. We had put out 36 chairs thinking that it might be too many, but we ended up setting up another 10 or so because there were so many people!

The whole night was a blast. From the skit to the talks, the awesome small groups, the pizza, and socializing! I think the best part of that night for me was my small group. I was scared that they would be hard to get to know, but it was easy; God totally set it up for me that it wouldn't be awkward. He helped me embarrass myself first so the girls would feel comfortable. To make a log story short: I ran, jumped on the stage, slid across the floor, no lights were on, and I stood up too fast to realize there was a table above me. I laughed so much, and it left a pretty good bump! The Life Night went so well, and we feel special now as a team when we look at our facebook account, we have like a million friends now!

Our outreach also went well. We played Australian Handball outside during the lunch hour. I think about 30 teens showed up. Enough that we had two games going with lines for each game. Teens that I didn't know were participating, and the teens who went to the life Night were inviting friends! It was a great time to just have fun and build relationships.

Well, that's about all for Team 5 this week. We're hard at work again preparing for our next Life Night. Once again, God is showing us the power of trusting in Him.

God Bless,

Team 5, Perth-Smiths Falls

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