
Monday, November 16, 2009

Team Two Wants to Learn Everything, and Write Down Everything They See

This past week our team met many very responsive youth at our Encounter Days in both Vernon and Osoyoos, B.C. Osoyoos is actually considered to be part of Canada's only desert; ironically, it snowed one of the days we were there!

Following Osoyoos, our team moved on to Kelowna, where we will be until Friday of this week. Sunday was a Team Day, which brought us to Summerhill Pyramid Winery, where we got a tour, and learned much about the fine art of wine making, and wine tasting! The unique thing about this particular winery is that it's cellar is in a pyramid! We learned that the pyramid has proven to yield better wines after storage. We also learned that the pyramid is a popular venue for many different celebrations - there was recently a wedding held there! More interestingly, though, in my opinion, is that we also found out Avril Lavigne hosted an event there! I was very excited to hear that she and I stepped foot on the same grounds, and in the same pyramid! (I'll proudly admit to being a big fan; my team can attest to my excitement!)

I do have one more pretty exciting story. Monday night we had an Encounter Evening for a couple of youth groups from the Kelowna area, and I shared a bit during the prayer ministry time about how my prayer life has developed . I shared about how I had difficulty with prayer in the past, because I didn't understand it. I said that I later learned that prayer is more than words, but that it is a bond between me and God. I used the analogy of a peanut butter sandwich, using myself and God as the pieces of bread, and prayer as the peanut butter that holds them together. After the prayer ministry time, a lady from the church approached me, and said she'll always remember me as 'peanut butter'. She shared with me that she could relate to my story, and that prayer was just words to her, until she realized she could just talk to God like a friend who always listens. I believe God was working through both of us to strengthen our desires to pray, and to remind us that he really is the best friend we can possibly find!

"Until next issue, I remain your faithful correspondent",

God Bless,

Lauren M. Krol
Team 2

*Credits to "Harriet the Spy" for the awesome quotes!

1 comment:

  1. aww lauren, i miss you little sis. i once gave a talk which used pizza as an analogy (for what, I no longer remember) but after that all the kids remembered me as the pizza girl.
