
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Real Men

Hello from Wetaskiwin!

This is Marc from team 4 writing to you, and I have been blessed to be able to share a bit about a few experiences that have been happening.

During the past few weeks Josh and I, with the help of a few of our Core members, have started a men's chastity group for teens in grades 9-12 called Real Men. Real Men is a six week long program that happens every Wednesday evening. It is a place where young men can come to learn more about God's call for us to imitate Christ, the real man.

Each week we learn more our role as sons of God, and how we are called to serve. Some other topics include learning about the differences between guys and girls, fighting for the dignity of women, and the beauty, value and gift of sex.

I have been very impressed with the questions and opinions that have come from our group, through talks the young men come to understand more about what the Church teaches and what society brainwashes us to believe.

Our group isn't just all talk though, we are men and we have done some great activities that have helped us grow in fellowship with one another such as ultimate Frisbee, video games, and physical endurance challenges, such as push ups.

We also established a swear jar, which also encompasses other wrongs such as sarcasm, lying and dishonouring women. When we first introduced the jar, I wasn't too sure how the guys would react, but over the weeks I have seen such an improvement in their positive speech. They are also very good at holding one another accountable, when one of the brothers makes a mistake, they are quick to correct.

Tonight is our last night for Real Men and I cannot believe how fast these six weeks have gone, I have seen God change hearts and men talk about their opinions and feelings, which doesn't happen very easily; it was truly through the grace of God. I know that these guys will continue to strive to be true sons of God, by imitating Christ and staying true to the brotherhood. I'd ask you to say a quick prayer for these young men knowing that God will continue to give them the strength they need to stand up for themselves and women around them.

May God bless you all!!
Love and prayers, Marc Puigmarti
Team 4 Hardcore

P.S. Pictured is Josh being a "real man" and our team experimenting with the Pyramid!

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