
Friday, April 9, 2010

One of Our Teens

Hello! This is Shayla from Team Five and this week the blog is going to be written by one of our own Edgers, Rebecca, about her experience at the Edge retreat we had a couple of weeks ago.

"Before NET came to my town I just though that God was some guy that sat up there in heaven, doing his own thing. I knew that you could reach him by prayer and that when you died you went to heaven. And that was all I knew. So, when NET came and started the youth groups, I was curious. The thought actually never came to mind that there was more to learn than just what I knew. I had heard about the youth groups from teachers and friends, but I was not sure that I wanted to go. I thought that it would just be Mass but in a gym. Boy, was I wrong.

The first Edge night that I went to was A LOT of fun. I loved the games, talks and the dramas. I also met new friends that went to different schools. Edge nights continued to be full of action, fun and laughs. Soon I started dreading 9:00 pm on Thursday nights because I knew that it would have to end!

When I first heard that there was going to be an Edge retreat I was just sssoooo happy! I knew that if it was anything like Edge, I would really enjoy it. When they first handed me my registration form, I filled it out on the spot. Finally, after weeks of waiting, the day came. We played games, chatted, watched plays, made skits, listened to talks and more!!! The entire day was just so much fun.

The first part of the day we did the fun games and things like that. Then we went for lunch, which was really good. When we came back for the second part of the day, we were pumped! We had a Mass and went to adoration and confession. It may sound boring, but trust me, it is definitely NOT.

Adoration was uplifting. I have never felt so peaceful in my life. I think that God was really in the same room that we were in. The music that NET was playing was perfect, people were praying, the priest was doing confession at the back of the room, and it really cleared my brain. It was like prayer was pushing all the negative, unhappy thoughts out of my head and leaving new happy thoughts in their place.

Confession, how do I find words to describe it? It was amazing, the second that I was done; I could feel the weight of sin being lifted off my shoulders. I just could not stop smiling!!! I just felt so good, fresh, and new. Others were also smiling at each other and the most amazing thing of all…I had my answer! Two weeks before I had gone to the retreat I had been praying for God to give me an answer to a problem that I was having with my friends. Right after confession the answer was in my head. I knew what I had to do.

The retreat gave me new ways to look, talk, and listen to God. I now want to be more involved in the church than ever before. At the moment my friend and I are looking into going to adoration once a week together. NET has truly changed my life forever! Thank you NET!!!"

God Bless
Rebecca and Team Five

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