
Friday, March 19, 2010

Casino Night, Ultimate, and Sun!!!!!!

Hello everyone! This week has been busy, yet we haven’t done much because of March Break. It’s been a long week of planning for retreats, people visiting us, and of course our awesome lifenight.

Sunday was a great day. Like always it starts were we get to sleep in for a bit, but it was our social night…it was Casino night! The games that we had panned for the night were (some of the usual) Poker, Black Jack, and some others, Euchre, Apples to Apples, and Buzz Word. I think the greatest thing that was donated to us to use at the lifenight was a slot machine. That thing was so much fun to play with. It had chips that you could use in it and whenever you ran out, we had the key to open it up and get them all back. Here’s a crazy side story. On Thursday a few of our teens came to visit us in the office, and one of them decided to play with the slot machine. No joke, I’m bringing her with me if I ever want to go to a casino. She won a load of coins like five times in a row. In all it must have been ten times. That’s ten times to my none! So, back to the casino night. I think the most entertaining part of the night was the prizes. We had a range of prizes that started really small and then got really big. From little hopping chicken-bunnies, to big foam hammers, and growing sponge things, to free 6-inch subs (just to name a few). These were all put into raffles that were done throughout the whole night. It was so full of energy, and I believe the teens had a great time just hanging out and playing card games. I know I had a blast!

Like I mentioned at the beginning, many people came to visit us throughout this whole week. We are doing a clothing drive for this lifenight coming up, and so far a huge section of our office is made up of garbage bags and boxes full of clothes, so there have been people dropping of bags then staying for a bit to chat (picture at top right). There have also been events going on at the hall where our office is so people pop in to say hi. Lastly, it’s March Break, so some teens have been coming by to hang out. Some have come by to talk and then play some Mario Kart- Double Dash with us. Thursday was an intense day. Double dash was played at the end, but a few of our teens came by and brought cupcakes for us (they were really good) and as something fun to do we all decided to play Ultimate Frisbee. So much fun! One of them was so intense and set on getting that frisbee tat he was flying everywhere, and at the end had some gashes in his hands and knees. Thank God they weren’t bad ones. Another one was so much fun to use to make funny team plans. Because he was so light James would get him to jump off his back and throw the Frisbee, or get on his shoulders and throw the Frisbee from the height of James’ shoulders. It was hilarious. At the end of the day we got some work done, lots of socializing, and lots of sun.

Today is our team day. All that I know to expect is bowling. So I’m extremely excited and can’t wait to get to this team day. So Team Five-Alive is going to leave you now for this week. God Bless you all!

Shayla Doucette
Team Five

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