
Friday, October 17, 2014

No Snow Yet, Thank God!!

Trapper's Lake Spirituality Centre



This weekend our team was grateful to all spend Thanksgiving in warm and welcoming host homes. During a family games night, team members Meghan and Olivia were delighted to share in the laughter of their host family. On Monday evening, Mike, Cameron and I were invited to a Thanksgiving dinner with the host family of Shaina and Stephanie. Sharing in a delicious meal, and being able to witness the wonderful presence of love in their family, makes us so thankful for the abundant generosity and hospitality shown toward us.
  During a Thanksgiving dinner in the earlier part of the weekend, I was playing with a little boy and his ball. As I was thinking over the day, I considered how the little boy was living an amazing life, but how he relied on everyone else around him to provide for his needs. I then considered that this is how we should be with God. We should place all our needs and wants in front of Our Father in heaven, for He is a generous and loving Provider.
  Yellowknife. It seems that a popular opinion of people from the south is that it is bleak up here, but really it is extremely beautiful. The lakes and rocks reflect the wonderful beauty of our Creator. The women on our team have settled into their host homes and we (the men) have settled into our home at the retreat centre at Trapper’s Lake.
  We have traveled around Yellowknife advertising for our first event, Theology Uncapped. During our advertising for this event we met many new people asking them for directions (we also went backwards down a one-way street)!
.  Our team was asked to come to the yearly Catholic school's city-wide Mass that was attended by all the students of the Catholic schools here in Yellowknife. We were introduced to about 1000 students! This weekend we attended all three of the Sunday Masses at St. Patrick’s so that we could introduce ourselves to the parishioners. We have been welcomed very warmly all over the community. Over the next couple weeks we will be attending Mass at some of the different parishes of the diocese.

Until next time, may God, our Father, Bless you and yours, 
Ben from iNFUSE 3


  1. thanks Ben for the update on the team!

  2. The first photo is really wonderful! And we are happy to hear of the hospitality of the people of the NWT. May Our Lady of the North continue to wrap her warm blue mantle around all of you to protect you, physically and spiritually.

  3. Your family and friends are so proud of you all!!! Great pictures and looking forward to more of them! God Bless!!!
