
Friday, March 27, 2015

The Mission

       Someone on my blog asked me what it's like to be a missionary and I sat there and thought,"huh, that's a good question". What DOES it feel like? Well, it's pretty amazing. It's hard to describe how it feels really. When I first applied for NET, it was scary and I didn't feel good enough to be a missionary. I didn't even think I'd get accepted. When I did get accepted, I was thinking well, maybe I just don't see myself as a person who could do NET because I'm not good enough for it. But "God doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called". He calls those who He wants to be on this mission, and gives them the graces, the gifts, and the ability to be a missionary.

       In the beginning I was so afraid that I wasn't going to make it through the whole year because I remember a friend of mine telling me that she had a lot of anxiety attacks throughout the year. I myself have struggled with anxiety in the past, and so I was afraid that all the stress I would have on NET would cause me to have anxiety attacks. But, here I am almost almost done a year of mission and I have hardly struggled with my anxiety and I believe that's because God has given me the grace to overcome those anxious times.

       I can thank my team for being my support through out the last 7 months together. They are amazing people and I couldn't imagine my team consisting of anyone but them. I'll forever have this connection with 6 other people from all over the world and I couldn't be more blessed and grateful for each of them. They help bring out the best in me and still love me when I'm at my worst.

       I think my favorite part about NET is that the youth are encountering Christ and seeing Christ in us, and through us. We could be super fun and nice people, but without Christ, what's the point? There is this girl from the middle school who is quiet, shy, and doesn't have many friends. I'd been trying to get her out to our events as much as possible, yet she wasn't always receptive to it. However, when I asked her to come to our junior high retreat, I prayed so much that she would just say yes, and she did! She went to the retreat and she opened up and came out of her shell so much. Although nothing huge (that I could tell) changed in her, I could see that she was open to making friends and growing closer to Christ as well. She had a great time at the retreat and I'm praying that she continues to seek out the friends that she made there, that will help her grow in deeper relationship with the Lord.

      So, being a missionary means that I get to help Christ reach the young people of this generation. It means that I get to serve God every single day by working in a parish solely to bring youth back to Church, get them involved, and help them build their relationship with God and keep it going. I couldn't imagine this experience being any better because no matter how small, we are making a difference. Being a missionary has many rewards for your spiritual life.

       If you are thinking about being a missionary in any way, don't brush it off like it's nothing but really discern and pray about it!

Hunter Norton, iNFUSE Team 1 (Swift Current, SK)

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