
Friday, April 20, 2012

Volunteer TAKE OVER!

Hey everyone! This is Rianne reporting from Yellowknife
to put a little daily dose of hope into your life.

Our iGNITE high school volunteers with 
Fr. Ben after a successful night!
This past weekend, we had our regular double-whammy of both iGNITE (gr. 7/8) and Awaken (high school) youth groups. However, these youth nights were almost foreign to me because I am being slowly and smoothly weaned out while our volunteers are slowly and smoothly taking over!
Our past iGNITE was led by one of our most devoted high school youth, Kleinberg. He did a FANTASTIC job! He led with confidence, remembered all of his training, and I even learned some tips from him. The night was based on having a Heart of Worship. An adult volunteer led music, while two other high school volunteers led two games, and another even gave her testimony! I didn't even have to be there!
 Erwin Sumcad (iGNITE volunteer) leading the 
Gr. 7/8s with a “Heart of Worship” through song.
At our Awaken, a volunteer gave a talk on the importance of community, and another volunteer led a song, and another a game! Our NET Team is being replaced, and this is very exciting. It is a bit hard, having to let others take the reigns of a ministry that we've put so much of ourselves into. However, it puts me at peace knowing that the more we let go, the more God can sustain.

May God bless your hearts,

- Rianne Rops

p.s. Just an update from me, Natalie - Today it's 5 whole degrees! :D Just wanted to let everyone know, it's finally spring! I even went out and got myself a slushy yesterday!

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