
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Creator Incarnate...

Hey Peoples

It's Isaac from iNFUSE two. I just wanted to let everybody know that the Olympics came to Medicine Hat. Not actually. We had an Equip(gr.6-9) night called Crazy Olympics. Tanya and I led the crazy Olympics, which consisted of a sort of relay race, followed by the two teams competing to see who could build the tallest structure that could stand on its own using just marshmallows and toothpicks. There was another game involving a hula hoop, but it's kind of complicated to explain. It was really fun though. The best part was the fact that we had a whole bunch of new students come. And we have just started a thing where, if it is your first time, or if you bring someone and it's their first time then you get a chocolate bar. It's awesome. The only bad part is that there is absolutely no way that I'm ever allowed to get one of those chocolate bars....

On Sunday, for Unchained(gr. 10-12), our night was about the Eucharist. Basically we heard an awesome talk about how awesome God is, and how cool it is that he's willing to be physically present, then we went into the chapel and actually spent time with him.

I love it! Eucharistic Adoration. It is definitely one of the highlights of our faith. Who else besides Catholics can be like, "yeah, I just knelt in the presence of God for an hour"? AWESOME!

Speaking of the Lord of the universe incarnate(nbd), we did our first citywide adoration on Thursday. We're going to be doing it once a month from now on. It was really cool. At the end, one lady came up to us and talked about how perfect the music was, and how it had really helped her enter in. I'm pretty sure normally they just have silent adoration so I'm really glad that our addition of music was appreciated. There weren't as many youth as adults, but hopefully now that we've really dived deep into what the Eucharist is, they'll be more open to it in February....

Okey, dokey. I don't think I have anything else interesting for you, other than the fact that a couple of weeks ago it was Kyle's Unbirthday and we celebrated by going to Ralph's Texas Steakhouse. He said, "I'm so glad I got to spend my unbirthday with good Canadians and great Texas barbecue."

God Bless

Isaac Sullivan

p.s. To keep a lamp burning we have to keep putting oil in it. -- Mother Teresa

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