
Monday, February 1, 2010

Office Organization!

Well, everyone, I'm apologizing in advance because I think this week's blog post is going to be somewhat shorter than the norm. Oh well. That's ok, I think.

This year, the staff of NET Canada have decided that it's time to clean up and organize our "living space"! Finally! If you've ever been to the office, specifically our basement, you've probably noticed the clutter that often finds itself in corners around the building. The basement was an especially cluttered world. With instruments, sound equipment, and training and other supplies, it's often been tough trying to walk around down there. But last week, I was on "basement shelving" duty with a few of the other staff members. Our mission was to build shelves and organize one of the areas of the basement. Unfortunately, on the day that we were to build the shelves, I found myself with a whole heap of office work to do, so I wasn't able to help. So Liam, Sarah, and Pat had to fend for themselves; they were fantastic. I took a couple of pictures for your viewing entertainment.

So the three of them went ahead and built a whole lot of shelves. And about half of our basement has been organized since last week, which I have to say is a pretty big deal. Next up, a new-and-improved reception area! Pray for Claire, Melodie, and I as we attempt to clean, organize, and rearrange our work areas!

God bless!

Oh, also, on Friday night, someone played a little prank on our staff prankster, Matthew, and put his desk into the parish supervisors' office closet... the second picture shows the desk in the closet but won't give away the culprit.....muah-ha-ha-ha!!


  1. I thought something like this would happen while I was gone.


  2. BAHAHAH! I love it! oh Matthew...

    Also, congrats on the basement organization, you gals must be super happy!! Wish I was there to enjoy the view :)
