
Saturday, January 23, 2010

It's a Dream Come True...

Hey, it's Mairin speaking here for Massive Worship. 6 years ago, I attended an amazing event that powerfully changed the direction of my life, and I believe it greatly contributed to getting me to where I am now. I never dreamed that years later I would be helping to facilitate the exact event in Antigonish, Nova Scotia for over 800 youth from across eastern Canada. If you haven't guessed already, 6 years ago I went to an enormous youth conference famously know as "Steubenville", and this past weekend I played in the band that was chosen to lead hundreds of youth in worship at Steubenville Atlantic! That's right, you heard correctly, Massive Worship is leading music for Steubenville Atlantic, summer 2010! That in itself is a dream come true. Well, actually more than that, because this is so great a gift that I never even DREAMED of this happening.
Okay, so let me tell you about this past weekend where we partnered along with Bob Rice in stirring up the excitement for this summer's conference:
At approximately 6:00 Thursday morning, 4 of us band members jumped into a van and made our way to Halifax, NS. The other 4 members of our band opted to fly in the next day, lucky ducks... We arrived in town close to 1:00am, stumbled into bed, and woke up late the next morning to begin the first day of our tour from Halifax, to St. John, to Charlottetown. We met up with well-known speaker, songwriter, and expert youth evangelist, Mr. Bob Rice, as well as Halifax's Youth Coordinator and Steubie Atlantic head honcho, John Stevens. There began the most amazing time we could ask for. It went like this: wake up, drink coffee, drive numerous hours, drink coffee, eat, set-up, sound check, rock out, eat more, go to sleep, wake-up, drink coffee, drive numerous hours, drink coffee... etc.
Bob was down to earth, inspiring, affirming, and completely hilarious. He had a way of gaining the youth's attention and holding them in the palm of his hand, while smoothly ushering them into a heartful moment of intimate prayer. Massive Worship rocked out and found it entirely possible to have so much fun while running on so little sleep! Lots of coffee... John Stevens was an hilarious one as well. Dry humor coupled with passion for youth and evangelization, that's John Stevens. He too had the youth in the palm of his hands, they even had a chant for him! Over all, it was an amazing weekend, and Bob Rice shared with us that it was an unexpected fulfillment of one on his dreams too, to go on a mini tour with a band where he was the main speaker, kind of like Chris Tomlin and Louis Giglio. Done and done.

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