
Monday, May 7, 2012

Steinbach was worth the trip!

Greetings from MW, Cecile here once again! It is a beautiful evening in North Battleford, where our team is situated right now, and I am sitting on the front porch of the lovely Erin McQuaid’s home. I am enjoying relatively warm temperatures, and eating a bowl of French vanilla ice cream with raspberry sauce on top.  Life is good.

It has been an eventful last couple weeks, and right now I’m going to share with you the beautiful time we had in Steinbach MB. Steinbach is a relatively small town, population around 13000, or so I’m told. Steinbach was one of the places that had an iNFUSE team last year, and so it was really exciting for our team to go there and to see the fruits that are still blossoming due to the labors of last year’s iNFUSE team. We were in Steinbach for a week, and during this time we facilitated a parish mission, as well as an inter-denominational youth rally.

The parish mission proved to be a great experience both for our team, as well as for the parishioners that came out to the 3-day event.  It was a unique experience, because unfortunately the parish priest was unable to be present for the event, and so instead of having any sacramental elements to our program, we had to ad-lib with some other forms of prayer and ministry we don’t usually get to do. The first night, as part of the evening we prayed the Divine Mercy Chaplet in song. It was a really striking because it combined a traditional prayer that many were familiar with, and the non-traditional elements of praise and worship in song. The second night during the time of prayer we invited everyone to dedicate or re-commit their lives to Christ, and as a visible sign, people took an unlit candle from the back of the church and walked to the front where they proceeded to light their candle  and place it on the alter. It was a moving moment as people flooded to the front of the church and boldly dedicated their lives to Christ. For some this was the first time, and for others I’m sure it was the 100th. On the final day of the mission, we had a time of prayer ministry, and this too was a touching moment for me. For the entire duration of the time we had prayer ministry available, people steadily came forward to receive prayer.  I’m sure we could have sat there for a whole extra hour praying with people!

On the Friday following the end of the mission, we facilitated an inter-denomination youth rally at the Lutheran church in town. For me, this was one of the most beautiful memories I will hold of this year. About 150 people from nearby churches came out and as one voice sang praise and worship to God. I was at the back of the church, and from my vantage point, I could see many people deep in prayer, all worshiping our God. This is the only inter-denominational event we will do this year, so it is a gift that I will treasure and remember for years to come.

All in all, this was an amazing week. We as a team realized just how big God is, in that He is present and moving in the hearts of many all across our country, but as well, across denominations. Praise be to Him!

Cecile Richard

Massive Worship 2011-2012

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