
Saturday, March 3, 2012

March Madness

Hello family, friends, fellow Netters and curious strangers!

This past week our team has been in Edmonton, AB. This area is home to a few of us on the team. Matthieu was able to spend time with his friends and cousins and I got to see my whole family, which is awesome! We are spending the weekend in the french community of St. Paul, AB. All the men are staying with Matt's family, and all the women are staying at my grandparent's acreage. It's amazing getting to spend time with our families, those who fostered our faith our whole lives. Thank God for them!

Our retreats have mostly had a ton of students and some really awesome teachers too. One thing that's been cool is that we had to play a lot of games and activities that we haven't done much before. Because of either the number of students or the smaller amount of space, or both, we had to get pretty creative haha.
About 3 days ago, at a retreat, there was a moment that really touched my heart. We were all watching a drama, depicting the walk to Calvary and the crucifixion. I was sitting close to a young man and just as "Jesus" was being nailed to the cross he whispered, "Thank you, Lord." he understood the simple and beautiful message, that Christ died freely for our sins our of love for us. I know sometimes I forget to thank God for the huge gift of life and for the hope of heaven.
May God continue to bless you, and may you find joy in sufferings during this season of lent. We are praying for you all, and we thank you for your prayers!

Peace and Love,
Julie Godin
Les equipes NET

"If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you would say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it would obey you." - Luke 17:6

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