
Friday, March 30, 2012

Howdy from the Hat!!!

Howdy from the Hat!!!

I have the honor this week to write for you, and what an incredible last couple of weeks we’ve had! Medicine Hat has kept us very busy, between Holy Family & St. Patrick’s parishes, McCoy High School, and Notre Dame Academy & St. Mary’s School. Three weeks ago, we got to go to McCoy’s production of Singin’ in the Rain. It was so much fun to get to see our friends and youth on stage in one of my favorite musicals. Now because we have been so busy lately, we wanted to make sure that you get all the possible information about what has been going on in the Hat thanks to our awesome, yet busy, God.

Two weeks ago, we had our Equip retreat for grades 6 through 9 held in one of the junior high schools, and it was phenomenal!

We had 38 students come out, What was most exciting was that some students brought their friends, and some of them didn’t even live in Medicine Hat, but they took time out of their visit to come to our retreat. It was really neat, because we got to deliver the Gospel to students, who don’t have the opportunity to come to our Equip nights. It was such an great day, that one of the students that lived out of town, came back the next weekend just in time for our Equip night on Reconciliation, where we not only got to talk about Reconciliation, but we also got to experience it, thanks to Fr. Long.

What an awesome witness of how powerful an encounter with Christ can be! During the retreat, we got to talk about how strong peer pressure can be, but how powerful still is the love of Christ. Gloria shared about personal image and defending against what other people might say. And Isaac was able to show exactly for whom and why God created each one of us.

The day was filled with

powerful dramas, and passionate personal stories. That ultimately lead to an encounter with Christ where we were able to pray with each of the retreatants and give them an opportunity to really open up to God. By the end of the retreat, one of the guys in my small group asked if we could share our favorite bible stories during our last small group, simply because he had a favorite and he wanted to know everyone else’s. We were very blessed during this retreat that we had the help of six volunteers, and we would not have been able to provide such an experience for the youth without their sacrifice and spirit. It was so exciting because after that very long day, we decided that we would just camp overnight in the school with our volunteers, and we were able to hang out, eat some food, pray a rosary, and then we watched the movie Courageous.

What an magnificent ending to such a great day! Please stay tuned next week, when we will talk about our Unchained retreat and how much God showed us what Real Love is! Keep us in your prayers as we keep you in ours. God Bless

From Your Humble Texan,


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