
Monday, March 19, 2012

God is at Work!

Hello all, this is Silken from Encounter Team #1!
The last couple weeks have been filled with amazing host homes/retreats in Okotoks, High River, Brooks, Red Deer and Airdrie! Alberta has truly treated us well!
At one of our Grade 7 retreats in Okotoks, one of the girls in my small group and I got to talking after the retreat. She shared with me how some really incredible things had happened in her life, and she knew it was God showing himself to her. She said that she hadn't told anyone about it before, because she wasn't used to talked to people about God. I felt really honored that she would share something so personal.
Also while we were in Okotoks we honored the guys on our team. A couple of us kidnapped them from their host home, blindfolded them, and drove them to the school, where we had a pretty extravagant dinner made for them. It turned out really well, and it was a lot of fun!
Today we had a retreat for Grade 10 and 11's in Calgary. It was a good crowd, but a lot of the youth didn't know much about God. During our prayer time on retreat though, one of the guys in DJ's small group asked him to pray that he would have a better understanding of his faith. I know God really used us to make himself known to them today.
There's a tid bit of the shinanigans we've been up to!
God bless!
-Silken Neutelings
Encounter Team #1

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