
Friday, March 9, 2012

Alive To The Lord Among Us!

Greetings from Halifax!!
Lots has been happening as usual here at Saint Benedict, because this parish literally does not stop! It's super busy, especially this past week when Fr. James brought the wonderful Fr. Scott McCaig to Halifax for a parish mission. Now, I've been to parish missions before, but never one like this!! Fr. Scott talked about the Mass and how we must be alive to the Lord among us, and we were hanging on every word he spoke! The second night of the mission, Fr. Scott introduced the idea of the covenant gesture: raising your hands as a sign to say, "You are my God, and we are your people!" Most people really embraced the idea as seen in this picture to the right, and I was just so blown away! It was really beautiful to experience. The mission finished off with Adoration and I have to say that was my favorite part. As a music leader, I got to enter in fully the Adoration even though I was playing music. It was definitely the highlight of this second half.

Ministry has been going really well! We had a Confirmation retreat not too long ago, and since then the Confirmation Class has really changed tremendously! They enjoy coming and really have all become closer as a group! We've got lots of retreats for our Junior High youth and our High School youth, and we're all really looking forward to them and I personally can't wait to see what God has in store for them on these retreats!!

I hope this entry finds you all well and may God bless you abundantly!!

Lauren (iNFUSE Team 3 Halifax)

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