
Friday, March 18, 2011

In A Galaxy Far Far Away

After an epic light saber battle, I Phylicia, defeated Lizzy with my amazing light saber moves and won the honour of getting to write this week’s blog of awesomeness. (Well, okay maybe we didn’t exactly duel over it, but why bother with the details!) So what is with the Star Wars lingo you may be wondering? Well, our last REACT night was entitled “In A Galaxy Far Far Away”.

Yes, it was Star Wars themed, and I really really really like Star Wars, so I was super excited to do this night. However, the night started out a little bit of a bummer, when I learnt to my horror, that out of the 11 teens that came, only two of them had watched Star Wars before. Shocking, I know! Moving on from the shock that statement must have left you with, the Star Wars night was a night filled with much fun and of course a lesson. We started off the night playing this game called Pull-Up. So basically, you have to pull up people of the opposite gender and you have to do it according to a particular theme. We did ninja, Mission Impossible, Star Wars (of course) and, my personal favourite, ballet! Getting into the meat and potatoes of the night, I gave a talk on how the ends don’t justify the means. I talked about how we, as humans, try to justify the wrong that we do because we say that as long as the end result is good, then it doesn’t really matter the actions that we took to get there. Naturally, this all connected to Star Wars, and I had a lot of fun both writing and giving this talk. After this talk we had an activity which involved bartering and trading supplies in order to make a rocket. The only catch was each team had their own rule that they had to follow. My team’s rule was we had to start with no supplies, and we could accept supplies, but we couldn’t give any away once we had them. Well, this created a little bit of a problem when we were given all of the streamers, and since all of the other teams needed a streamer we were quickly seen as unfair and well, greedy… I can honestly say that I felt really bad having to turn all the other teams away, especially since I couldn’t give them a reason why, I just simply had to say no. The other members of my team didn’t mind so much, in fact at the end of the night they named our rocket The Streamer! The night ended on an awesome note as I was talking to one of the teens about the night, and I asked them what they thought, and they said they had a good time, and they went on to say that Star Wars looked like a lot of fun and they thought that they might actually watch the movies sometimes. YES! This week we once again had Glass Alabaster and Real Men, and the night was totally awesome as usual. I really enjoy these nights, the young women we have coming out are so splendid and open, and they just want to learn about their faith and so it makes it so easy to present this information to them. We were in for a treat this night as Fr. Isidore joined us for a little game and to listen to my talk before heading downstairs to join the guys. Our theme for the night was modesty and purity of mind and I shared with the girls what purity has meant to me in my life. I shared about how I have learnt that purity is more then just saying no, but that really it is a lifestyle choice and involves all areas of my life from how I dress, to how I treat myself and guys, and even to how I think. The highlight of this night by far was the Fashion Show we put on for the girls demonstrating both modest and immodest dress. It was so much fun! We made a runaway, complete with spot lights and runway music. Amanda and Lizzy were our amazing models, and they did a super job showcasing their stuff and demonstrating how to dress to look good, but still be modest. Thanks beautiful ladies! Since I am not a guy I can’t comment personally on how the guy’s group is, but taking what my brothers told me, Real Men was really amazing. Fr. Isidore joined them this evening, and they said it made the night that much more awesome. He had a lot of really good insight and he gave a lot of awesome advice and opened it up for more discussion. Coming up we have LifeLine, entitled “Go my Favourite Sports Team Go!” We are having a night of sports and fun-ness and it is bound to be a blast. Our next REACT night is called “Man your Stations”, and as well, we are continuing to train our awesome volunteers to effectively share the Gospel message with the teens of this parish. Oh, and April Fools day is coming up and I am working my brain overtime to show my team just how much I love them! Well, all for now from this galaxy not so far away. I am off to battle the evil one, Satan, in a quest to lead more souls to Christ and share with them the joy that they can experience when they leave the dark side (sin) and come to the light (Christ). Until next time God Bless, and May the force be with you! Phylicia Vandermeer

Although you have not seen him you love him; even though you do not see him now yet believe in him, you rejoice with an indescribable and glorious joy, as you attain the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls. 1 Peter 1:8-9

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