
Sunday, March 13, 2011

I Heart Shaunavon

Shaunavon: a small town in southern Saskatchewan. A place where there are fields as far as the eye can see on pretty much every side of town. There’s one main street. It’s the perfect little town.
There is a Paul Brandt song that says, “The best things in life that I have ever seen came from small towns and big dreams.”

This really reminds me a lot of Shaunavon because they just have such an amazing and involved community. Great people and great hospitality. We felt so welcomed from the moment we got there until the very end. It was a wonderful time getting to know the Parish community.

We did a Parish Mission while we were there which is a three-evening event with Mass, a talk, drama, and Eucharistic adoration.

Here is some of the feedback from members of the Massive Worship team about our time in Shaunavon:

Did anyone share with you about how they were touched by the Parish Mission?

I talked about Gifts and Talents, and about not being afraid to use our gifts and talents that God gave us. Afterward one of the parishioners came up to me and shared with me that God had really spoken through me in the talk to encourage her. By coming to the Parish Mission and hearing the talk she received courage to step up in her Faith and to move forward in the way God was calling her. It was really beautiful.
(Brandi Olson)

During the parish mission we had adoration every night (exposition of the blessed sacrament) and after the first night I had a lady come up and ask me, “What are you supposed to “do” during adoration?” She knew what it was, but didn’t know if she should sit, kneel, pray Our Fathers or what. I briefly explained that you are simply there to “adore” your God. I also said it’s a good time to just look at God and let Him look at you. The next night after adoration she came up to me and said there was a huge difference between the first night and the second. It just made sense to her and she really enjoyed it.
(Christian Bekolay)

How were you touched by our time in Shaunavon?
I think what impacted me the most was the incredible hospitality of the entire town. The Church congregation supplied us with our OWN FRIDGE filled with food and several families invited us over for suppers/lunches every day we were there. I have various food intolerances and a woman of the parish baked me the single most delicious loaf of bread ever, along with cookies and muffins. I often feel like a burden because of my food issues but I felt very loved by the community. Also, we had our trailer light wiring broken on our last night and when we took it in to the local shop, they fixed it for free! God Bless Shaunavon!
(James Richmond)
(Shaunavon is also home to Hayley Wickenheiser!)

What’s the strangest thing that happened in Shaunavon?

When we were there it happened to be “I Love Shaunavon” Day. The town mascot, Heartly, (a big yellow, smiling, heart) stopped by the Church to say hello.

Well I guess that pretty much sums it up.

We love Shaunavon

God Bless you all!

Brandi Olson (and various other members of Massive Worship)

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