
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

"Why 'Y', you ask..."

Greetings NET blog readers. Here is an update from the past two weeks:

We continue to have adventures with our dear van, Frank. Every second Saturday is our moving day in which we would load up the van in the morning and after our work day is over take it to our new host home. This past switch we were on the way to our first stop when we discovered that we had a flat tire…what was funny was that we were actually on our way to our mechanic’s house. How convenient is that? So we quickly gave him a call, as we were unsure of how to get the spare tire out from under the van, and he came to our rescue. We all got quite a laugh out of the irony of the situation.

The next day was our second LifeLine night which we entitled “Y”. We had a running joke that people would probably wonder why “Y” and to find out why “Y”, the teens would have to come out to “Y”. Try saying that ten times fast. The topic of the night was God’s purpose for us. We had the teens work together to try to make their way from one end of a maze, “birth”, to the other end, “heaven”. Then Brenden gave a talk about how many of us don’t think about our purpose and that God’s purpose for us is wonderful. We also talked about how we also have to work to realize this purpose and put it into action. Despite the fact that it was a long weekend, we had a really good turnout and quite a number of new faces.

The next Sunday was our REACT night. We played “Minute to Win It” games with the teens making up “countries” as their team names. I think my favourite team name “Running Refrigerator”. They all created flags that went with their team name and that flag was hilarious, with a fridge running after a chicken. The night was filled with flying cards, shooting elastic bands, flipping spoons, smiling faces and laughter. It was great seeing how the teens warmed up to each other after the first couple of games.

Glass Alabaster and Real Men continue to go really well. Last week the women looked at some of the lies the world tells us about what it means to be women and how it is actually our identity as daughters of God and brides of Christ that give us our worth and define us as women. This week we looked at the importance of female relationships throughout our lives. These women continue to amaze me with their openness and their desire to learn more about our worth as women. I cannot tell you what the men are doing in Real Men, but from what Andrew and Brenden have said it is great for them too. They had someone new come out this week and he is really excited to come back next time.

Our Discovery Faith Study is coming to a close. I have mixed feelings about it as I really enjoyed meeting our group of women every week, but I am happy to see how much they enjoyed it and grew from it. I know I felt reaffirmed in my beliefs through this study. One of the women has expressed an interest in leading it next year for a new group of parishioners. Isn’t that awesome?!?! I am so glad that we have been able to inspire her to take on that leadership role.

I almost forgot to mention, Matt and Caitlyn, our lovely supervisors, came and visited us during these past two weeks. It was great seeing them and getting their feedback on the work we are doing here. A huge plus was being able to share some of our stories with them. I am so glad that they are able to come out to meet all the wonderful people we have met here. I don’t think some of the stories we tell them would be quite so funny/inspiring/entertaining etc if they had not met the people involved.

Coming up we have a LifeLine night on Lent entitled “Desert(ed)” and a REACT night entitled “In a galaxy far, far away” (yes it is Star Wars themed) that is on the fact that the ends don’t justify the means. Our March family fun day is also coming up. The parishioners are getting ready to take part in some Crazy Olympic activities! We are also doing a lot of work with our volunteer leaders to get them ready for when we leave at the end of May.

Please keep us, our ministry and the mission of this parish in your prayers.

Until next time, this is Elizabeth signing off for iNFUSE team two!

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