
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Heyo from Encounter One.

Hello from Airdrie, Alberta! Maria here, recounting for you once again the adventures of Encounter Team One.

On our way to Coaldale, Alberta, home of our beloved Carissa Elliott, we made a stop in Barnwell. We weren’t sure why, then Carissa said, ‘How would you guys like to have dinner with Massive Worship?’ We freaked out. When we got out, Carissa went in the house (Brandi and Amanda Olson’s house) first, then came out and said, ‘Sorry, guys, I guess Massive Worship has already left. They had to leave for BC or something, you know how scheduling is.’ That was disappointing but we went into the house to meet Joanne, Brandi and Amanda’s mom, and Gord, Laura and Kody Ellliott, Carissa’s family. After introducing ourselves, Joanne said she’d give us a tour of the house. She was showing us one bedroom with a really big walk in closet. ‘And the best part about this closet,’ she said, ‘is there’s a bathroom in it.’ She opened the bathroom door and out came Massive Worship! We were so surprised, Judith screamed, and there were hugs all around. We had dinner and hung out with them for a couple hours, which was so fantastic. The Elliotts wanted to hear us sing ‘Immaculate Mary,’ our commissioning song, so our two teams sang it for them. You can watch the video here.

While in Coaldale, we were lucky to be able to stay with Carissa’s family! They are super great and we had a lot of fun staying there. While in Coaldale we put on a retreat at Carissa’s old school, St. Joe’s which was a lot of fun. We also got to meet some hopeful future Netters! (Hi Kody and Sabina! You’re in our prayers!!) While we were at Carissa’s house we celebrated her unbirthday, which coincidentally landed on her actual half-birthday (six months to the day after her real birthday). Her friends and family came over and we ate cheesecake and played ‘Things in a box.’ Could a day be any better? We love you, Carissa!!

Claire’s 21st birthday was on March 11th (We love you, Clairebear!!) and on the 12th we had a team day and celebrated her birthday in the evening. We went to the Crossiron Mills mall and had a photo scavenger hunt. We were put into teams and had a list of things we had to get pictures within a certain amount of time. Once that fun activity was done, we had dinner, and sang happy birthday to our darling Claire. The whole team went out to see the new Johnny Depp movie, ‘Rango,’ which was quite funny.

This last week we have been pretty busy, but have had some awesome retreats. We had three grade seven retreats in Okotoks which were a lot of fun. I really like it when we can stay in a school for more than one retreat, we really get to know the students. Retreatants would come in from the days before and have lunch with us. Our last retreat of the week was a grade 10-12 retreat with about seventy students. This kind of retreat doesn’t happen much so I was a little nervous, especially since I had to give the talk. Carissa told me before I went up to speak, ‘It’s not you talking, but God talking through you.’ That is something I need to remember more often, that I’m not here talking for myself, but to speak of the truth that is Christ and how He has worked in my life. The talk went well, and so did the retreat! The youth that came were so amazing, and wanted to learn and grow in their faith journey. They were so talented, too!

With only about two months left on the road, we are treasuring every minute of being together as a team and doing the work we are doing. Alberta has been a blast to be in, so many awesome retreats! Next time we’ll be coming at you from British Columbia, my home province! Whoop Whoo!! :D

Yours in Christ, Maria Kalin Encounter Team One

1 comment:

  1. Okay Team 1... I miss you all so flippin' much... it's kind of ridiculous!!! I love you all! I'm praying for you!
