
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

More Than Co-Workers

Hello technological world!

Since my last blog post, a lot has been happening in my life and the life of all Netters on the road this year! After leaving Beauce, QC, my team headed straight to December retreat, where we met up with the NET staff and members of the two travelling teams - a really wonderful reunion! The retreat was approximately three days in length, and was fairly relaxed. We had a lot of prayer time, socializing, reflecting, and preparing ourselves for our departures for Christmas break. After December retreat, everyone was given just over two weeks for Christmas break to spend with family and friends. I went back home to Ottawa during this time and had a really amazing time visiting with family and friends who I hadn't seen in a number of months. Once Christmas break had ended, the three teams joined together again for a week of training. This training consisted of a lot more work than December retreat, but it was fruitful nonetheless. Our team had meetings and listened to talks pertaining to our youth ministry over the next couple months, as well as debriefing on the past few months. We said our goodbyes to the other teams and staff, and returned to La Beauce.

Having the opportunity to see all the staff and other teams was really amazing! Although we missed the other teams (shout out to the iNFUSE Teams- Weyburn, Yellowknife, and Swift Current! We love you all), it was so good to reconnect and hear stories from the lives of the other ministries. Both December retreat and January training reminded me of how much NET is really a family. Oftentimes, people hear about the ministry and the fruits of the teams wherever they may be, but there's also another really amazing aspect to life as a NET missionary: fellowship

Allow me to explain. When you're praising God with dozens of other young, like-minded Catholics, the air is filled with love and the atmosphere more alive than you ever thought possible. There are times when God's presence is so strong that we can't all help but smile and raise our hands higher. NET is both a community and a family all at the same time. Throughout these past few months serving on NET, I have found lifelong friendships not only on team, but with the members of other teams and staff members, too! 

I remember when I arrived at music training back in August I felt overwhelmed and scared. However, within two days of being there, I realized that my life was going to change. The people surrounding me were young Catholics who didn't hide their faith. For the first time in my life, I was with people my age around whom I didn't feel the need to impress or win their attention. This extends beyond NET, though. The Catholic community is thriving, and NET gives hope to people that this is the case. A wave of young Catholics are rising up and evangelizing the world, one relationship at a time. Catholicism is a family; we are brothers and sisters in Christ. 

God bless you,
Les équipes NET (Lisa, Josée, Andrée-Anne, Sara, Matt & Zak)

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