
Friday, November 14, 2014

Act of trust

iNFUSE 3 ~ "NET in The North"

In all my temptations, in all my weaknesses, in all my difficulties, in all my sorrows, in every failure, in every discouragement, in all my undertakings, in life and death, in time and in eternity, oh sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in you. 

Trust has been a HUGE aspect of NET, as well as being here in the North Pole ...aka Yellowknife... close enough right??

 I would just like to take a minute and break a few things down for you. When you apply for NET you are signing up for a year with 7 or more random strangers, with whom you will spend almost every waking hour, day in day out, in a location that is unknown. Just let that sink in. You may be thinking "wow those people must be crazy to want to do something like that." You might be right, but when you really think about it it's pretty amazing; the fact that the people you are placed with become your family in Christ. Some will be there to make us laugh, some to give a listening ear but all of us are here to challenge one another to grow in holiness. It shows just how much trust we must have in the Lord our God to be placed on a team that can work to share Christ's love with everyone we encounter. 

We as a team came to Yellowknife feeling blindfolded, having no idea what the future was going to hold.  I've found God likes to be unpredictable and He continuously shows me that I need to let go of any anxieties and trust in Him and His plan for me. He has taken us in hand and slowly but surely we are guided on a path of good judgement. 

Steph and Mike
Yellowknife is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been and I am so thankful to have the opportunity to be part of such an amazing community. Now I'd be lying if I said that it didn't come with any struggles; I've caught myself thinking a few times why the heck did God bring me here, I'm in the middle of nowhere! It never fails to surprise me how every time I have these thoughts one of my teammates reads a scripture or verse during team prayer that was based on trusting in God's plan. It's little reminders like these that keep me believing that He hand picked each one of us and placed us exactly where we need to be.  

Last Wednesday we had our team day. We spent it out at Trappers Lake (the retreat centre that we take care of) having a snowball fight.  That's right... a snowball fight. There was a moment where I just stood there and thought "holy smokes I absolutely adore every single one of these people", I was completely overwhelmed with a feeling of love. It really showed me that there is no reason to stress about the future because the future is up to Him, and what He wants is for us to really invest in the gift of the present. Among all the uncertainties I can honestly say that I have never been happier, through all of the struggles I finally understand what it means to walk with God and to invite him into every aspect of my life, knowing and trusting that he will guide me every step of the way.

Proverbs 3:5

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.

Thanks you for reading 
God Bless 
Steph from NET in the North

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic blog Steph! Wonderful to hear how everyone is growing together!
