
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Looking for something new to read? Check it out!

We had a super fun week of ministry events here in Drayton Valley. The jr.high youth joined us for some disco bowling and kareoke last Friday night, and we played an epic game of Bigger or Better with the high school youth. It's amazing what one can get by trading a paper clip!

If you're looking for a new book to read, I'm going to hand this blog over to guest Colin Hay, who is willing to share some insights on the book "Why Catholic's are Right" by Michael Coren.


It seems that these days everyone likes to take a quick shot at the Church. From (seemingly) harmless jokes to out right rants against the Church and the Clergy, it seems that the last acceptable prejudice in the world is against Catholics. Why does it seem that so many people can say such insulting things about Catholicism when saying the exact same thing against a different group of people would result in widespread public outrage? I think it’s because for so many years we as Catholics have just let it go. Instead of making waves and causing a stir by standing up for the Truth, we have simply shrugged it off, ignored it or even pretended like it doesn’t exist. I had always wondered why I couldn’t find any pro-Catholic books that had the same in your face style as so many of the anti-Catholic texts I had found. Then I picked up a copy of “Why Catholics are Right” by Michael Coren.

“Why Catholics are Right” is a well researched and well written deconstruction of society’s most popular arguments against the Church. Coren, a British-Canadian journalist and T.V. personality, writes this book with a wonderful mix of humor and objective historical evidence supporting the Catholic Church. Whether it’s historical events such as the Crusades or the Reformation, Catholic doctrine like papal infallibility or why the Church uses tradition and the Bible instead of the Bible alone, and even social issues such as the Catholic stance on abortion, contraception and homosexuality, Coren’s wonderful mix of knowledge and humor will keep readers entertained and intellectually stimulated. This book was my first encounter with Michael Coren and I must say it has become one of my favourite books and he has become one of my favourite authors. At only 217 pages it is a small book compared to the absolutely gargantuan books that are usually associated with the same topics and Coren’s tongue-in-cheek humor makes this book an easy and enjoyable read for anyone. Whether you have spent your life studying the faith or if you want to start but don’t know where to begin, “Why Catholics are Right” is an excellent book to read. I would recommend that every Catholic should read “Why Catholics are Right” and every non-Catholic should read it too.

“Christian, recognize your dignity” – St. Leo the Great

God Bless,

Colin & iNFUSE 3

Drayton Valley, AB

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