
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Discovering Your Purpose in Life

I find the weather down here really doesn't like to make it's mind up. This past weekend it hit a high of 16 °C outside! I got to wash the van from top to bottom for the first time in a long time due to the fact that winter just wasn't leaving. Everyone got a big cleaning kick which was good for the office and our ministry closet... Haha *awkward silence* Anyways, the beauty of God's warm weather was so appreciated around the office and everyone in town. The next day was a different story. We had a huge blizzard just rip through the city covering everything in snow and my freshly washed van was no longer as clean as I left it a mere few hours before the storm began... The highways were shut down and it was like driving around a ghost town after we unfortunately had to cancel our Unchained youth group, bummer!

We were fortunate enough though to have an event on Friday evening for Equip and everyone else in the parish was invited. This Friday night was different because we had guest speaker Michael Chiasson from Texas, USA (currently moving to Calgary and becoming Canadian though!) to speak to us on "Discovering Your Purpose in Life." It was an amazing night for everyone who was able to make it out. Michael Chiasson is a high energy, passionate Catholic speaker who has been across Canada and the USA putting on retreats for youth to youth adults seeking God's will in their lives. I feel many hearts were changed to letting God's will being down in their lives this night which is one of the best attitudes and ways to live your life. I know personally for myself it opened my heart even more to the love of God. I was speaking with one of the priests that had been traveling with Mr. Chiasson and he could defiantly tell that the Holy Spirit was truly working through the whole night. One other huge shout out goes to "Jesus Youth" for providing the music for the night, you guys know how to bring God into the music!  

With that said I'm excited to see what this next week of ministry brings. It's crazy to think there is only about 2 and half months left in town so time to kick it into overdrive for God and the community of Medicine Hat!

God bless
Matthew ten-Bohmer
Infuse 2

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