
Friday, February 24, 2012


Hello all, Cecile here this time, with an update of the Massive Worship teams adventures…
We just finished a lovely week in southern Ontario – LaSalle to be exact. Now let me first inform you that the climate of southern Canada is indeed MUCH warmer than that of everywhere else we have been in the past month. Never in my life have been in weather that is 9 or 10 above 0 in February!
It really was beautiful.
We were in LaSalle for a total of 6 days, during which we facilitated a Massive Worship Encounter weekend for the youth band at Sacred Heart Parish, and two youth rallies.
The Encounter weekend was an incredible time. What made it really unique was the fact that the whole weekend was just for the 6 youth who made up the youth band. We had so much fun being able to simply get to know the 6 of them (they were really great), and watch them bond as musicians over the course of the three days. At the end of weekend they played for one of the Sunday masses at their parish using songs and skills they had acquired over the past couple days. It was really motivating to see visible fruit of our ministry!
The next couple days following the weekend included a youth rally for the high school age group from the parish. That event had a great turnout, and there was a ton of energy from the attendees.
The next day we went into the Catholic junior high school in town, and went classroom to classroom inviting the kids out to our youth rally for their age group. We enjoyed walking down the halls of the school with guitar, fiddle, and banjo, and going into a class only to watch the kid’s eyes grow wide with interest at these young adults with weird instruments invading their classroom!
That evening we had our junior high youth rally, and we had 99 people come out! It was so much fun! The energy that night was incredible! It was really inspiring when, during one of the more prayerful songs we do, I stepped back from the mic to let the crowd sing, and as I stepped back I heard close to 100 voices singing “Jesus, You have me completely, every breath that I breath, I am absolutely in love with You”. It was breath taking.

So, we are now on our way to the east coast, we will be doing ministry in New Brunswick, as well as Halifax. I cannot wait to see the ocean.
You are in our prayers! Thanks for taking the time to read about our adventures...
Till next time!

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