
Friday, October 29, 2010

Worship: A Massive Impact

Wow! We have only been commissioned 24 hours and we already have our first event! We finished up training and we finally have our chance to put into action everything that we learned and how far we have come as a team and as a band.

Massive Worship's debut was a youth rally that we put on for the LifeTeen groups of Annunciation and Divine Infant here in Ottawa. They are a completely awesome group so it wasn’t long before everyone was singing along and getting right into it.

It was our first real set up with a stage, lights and an audience. We had practiced for the youth rally, but practicing does not quite live up to having a live performance, and actually leading people into Worship, it was awesome.

For those of you who are wondering, “What is a youth rally anyway?” I will happily fill you in.

A youth rally is basically like a concert: high energy, sometimes with lights and the whole sound system, basically all that and a bag of chips. There is a theme and a talk with skits and dramas. There is time for fun but also a time of worship which actually is quite beautiful.

At training we learned that worship is our response to who God is, and we as Massive Worship find so much joy in having the chance to actually lead people into worship and to a response to God in their lives.

A grade 12 girl from the parish introduced us and during her closing comments she told us that this night had really gotten her back on track, that she had been wavering in her faith and this is really what she needed. It was cool to see how God can work through our worship to have an impact on others.

The night was overall a great experience for everyone.

Also some of us were able to get tickets to go see The David Crowder Band and Hillsong Youth. This was such a great experience and a great concert. It was so awesome to see these skilled musicians perform and it really gave us a lot of fire for our own ministry.

We actually got to meet David Crowder and told him about Massive Worship, how we are a Catholic Worship band and a bit about our mission and he seemed to be really interested in our Ministry and the fact that we were Catholic, his response was,

“ You guys are going to get me in trouble, I'm a Baptist with a Rosary in my pocket.” As he pats his pocket.

We were shocked but pretty excited and had a laugh. I thought it was especially cool because it was the Feast day of Our Lady of the Rosary.

Seeing these two bands really made us excited about Massive Worship's mission this year. There is something so beautiful about praising God through music and leading others to an encounter with Christ.

We are so excited that our year of ministry has started and I, as the team Blogger, will keep you updated on Massive Worship's adventures! God bless and stay warm!

Brandi Olson
Massive Worship

**editor's note: I realize that this post is over two weeks late (being that 24 hours after Commissioning Mass, it would have been October 3rd),and I apologize! May God bless all of you!

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