
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Flame in Victoria is still lit!

Happy New Year!
It is such a joy to begin to share with you all the great things God is doing here in Victoria. Since my being here last year as part of NET Team 4 (08/09), the Core Team and the Crew Team here at St. Joseph the Worker Parish did a marvelous job keeping the fire lit; and they proclaimed the gospel message with a level enthusiasm and dedication that can only come from hearts that are deeply in love with our Lord. When I returned in August to serve as the parish’s first youth minister, I was blown away (yet again) by the love and hospitality that the youth, and indeed the entire parish freely offered. In the subsequent 3+ months, we’ve kicked off the EDGE and Life Teen for the year (which we have dubbed as iGNight), had both Crew and Core training retreats, and just recently released a CD entitled “We are called”- the Music of NET featuring iGNight.
But the true ministry, the place where it all counts, is in the hearts of the youth. Sometimes we don’t see the fruits of our labor, and we trust in God’s grace and thank him for the opportunity to serve, but other times God allows us to see the wonderful change he is doing in the lives of the teens. One young man immediately comes to mind. He never really came to iGNight last year when the NET Team was here, but he now comes faithfully to every night he can. I was overjoyed when I learned that he has spoken to Fr. William Hann, our pastor, and has expressed the desire to be baptized. Another moment that touched my heart, where I just had to close my eyes and praise God for his magnificent goodness, was during St. Andrew’s Regional Catholic High School’s grade 12 retreat. After Mass and reconciliation, a girl came up to me to say thank you for the EDGE ministry. She went on to say, through tears, how her brother had all but stopped going to Mass, and had no interest in Church at all. But since attending the EDGE week in and week out, he started going to Mass again. PRAISE GOD!!!!!
Looking at these miracles, I am reminded of a line from the movie “Amazing Grace” Where the character of John Newton says that rather than big storms of change, sometimes God works in gentle drizzle…drip…drip…drip…..
Please pray for the youth of Victoria, and pray for Core and Crew Teams as we continue to spread the love of God to every teen we possibly can. May 2010 be blessed and life changing year for us all!

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