
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Let Ministry Being!!

So much has happened in the last two weeks out here and it's just none stop here down in Southern Alberta in Medicine Hat. We've put on our first Unchained high school youth group, our first Equip middle school youth group which is happening tonight, and Family Fun Days are starting soon to! I've always loved Kick Off events, getting to know the youth of the area and get them pumped to come back to more nights in the future. It's going to be an exciting year watching everyone we encounter grow in friendship and our ultimate goal of bringing them closer to Christ. I've heard stories of people's lives being changed from having NET teams in the parish and that just makes us want to be able to work even harder for God cause He is truly the best boss to work for. 

We've been up to Calgary a few times in this past week to meet with other youth ministers from the area for more training regarding the Diocese of Calgary so that was very informative. Many challenges we're laid out for us and making us the best youth ministers we can possibly strive for. Nothing but good stuff for sure. Thank you to everyone who was there, it was great to build up our relationships with one another and share in our years of experience of youth ministry. 

One of my favourite things from going out to Calgary though was being able to see the beautiful Rocky Mountains. Most of the team (except 3 of us, Matt, Jim, and Kyley) had never seen them before so there was much excitement in the van as we saw them come into view. Being in southern Alberta is extremely flat if you didn't know. As in if you wake up in the morning early enough you can see the sun rise in the east and it's still pitch black in the west. Another example you can see a train from start to finish without moving your head. That is how flat is down here but man it is still unbelievably beautiful cause God knew what he was doing when he created the place we call home. 

So with this all said, stayed tuned for more to come. God Bless! 

From the World's Largest Teepee 
Matthew ten-Bohmer
InFuse 2 Medicine Hat


  1. Hey there guys! Sean Roche here!
    May I just say how pumped I am to hear about your teams adventures in good old Alberta! SO AWESOME!!!!
    :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

    Right now our team is in Fort Macmurray (I believe it's spelled and we have now experienced our first good ol white blanket of powdery goodness, SNOW hahaha!

    Our team is doing really well, besides from a few of us being a little bit sick but GOD WILLING WE WILL GE OVER ALL THAT SOON.

    Maybe I'll het to hang out with a few of you guys when I come home for Christmas!?!?!?

    Anyways, I just posted our team's first blog..... IT's a Video! Woop!

    Would love to keep in touch!

    Your brother in Christ,

    Sean Roche

    1. Hey Sean :),

      Soo awesome to hear from you :). Hope all is well with you. Medicine Hat is awesome :). Your family is sooo super awesome. Its just filled with awesomeness. We miss you.

      Hope all is well with your team. Its nice when we get a chance to read on what you guys are upto. Med Hat talks about you a lot.

      God Bless you.

      Michelle says you are wise man :).


      hey Sean!! Ashley here!! hope all is well as well :P and we are pryaing for you and your team. Med Hat is wonderful and super welcoming and i love it so much. as for Christmas I don't know if any of us will be around but hopefull your team can come this way and do something in this community.

      We are praying for you and your team. and your family is just ahhhhhh so beautiful and wonderful and funnn!!! just love themm and they talka bout you so much!!

      God bless
