
Friday, October 19, 2012

Bridges, Wind, Retreats, Oh My!

Hi Y’all!

Life in Lethbridge is pretty grand so far! We are starting to get to know the city a bit better, and we are taking less wrong turns now! (Having a GPS is super helpful as well!) One of the cool parts of being a part on an iNFUSE team is the chance to become familiar with a city and the people that live there!

 Fun fact about Lethbridge is that it is the home of the largest and highest steel trestle bridge in North America! It goes across the river that splits Lethbridge into different parts. There is a beautiful park by the river and bridge that we spent some time in as a team! We will defiantly be going back throughout this year!

Another fun fact is that it is windy here. I’m not talking about little winds that blow the leaves around in the front yard or blow your hat off your head. I’m talking about winds that blow your car to one side of the road while driving, or make you to feel the house swaying in the wind!
I wonder if flying around with an umbrella could work….If it did, I would definitely commute to work that way every day!

As for ministry work, we have started visiting the schools in the area during lunch time to hang out and eat with them! The students have been really welcoming and it is a pleasure to spend time with them every week! It can be a challenge to approach people you don’t know, but it is so rewarding when they invest in a conversation with you!

We are starting our Jr. High youth group this week with an overnight retreat on the weekend! We are super excited for it!   Updates on it will be on the next blog!! Stay tuned!

God Bless ,
Amy ten-Bohmer
Infuse 1, Lethbridge.


  1. Hello INFUSE TEAM 1! This is Sean Roche from Encounter 2! Our whole team is praying for all of you! You're in our thoughts and prayers for sure! We miss all of you, I miss all of you! Right now our team is in Fort Mcmurray and we've officially experienced our first decent snowfall! YAY! The past two weeks of travel have been crazy but so good! We're here for another couple of days then we're off to St.Eduard, Alberta for about four days.

    Aw man like seriously! We miss all y'all very much and hope our video blog can be put up soon! All the best!

    See you in the Eucharist! :)

    1. Hey Sean!! Aw we all miss your team too! Glad you are all doing well!! Can't wait to see your video blog!
