
Sunday, December 11, 2011

'Twas The Night Before December Retreat

'Twas the night before the night before December Retreat, and all through the north
Two NET teams they traveled, together they traveled forth.

The gas tanks were filled at the station with care,

In hopes they wouldn't run out before they got there.

Seats in the vans served as temporary beds,

As glory stories through the year ran through Netter's heads.

Two GPS's replaced the team's map,

So that the navigator could chat and then take a nap.

Ahead on the road there arose such a clatter,

"What on earth could ever be the matter?"

"The windshield washer fluid is out and we couldn't see"

So we filled it and forward we continued with glee.

As we get to the next town it begins to snow

The road up ahead is closed, as far as we know.

In Wawa we stop and continue no more,

Eating at a restaurant with very little decor.

The two teams gather and meet really quick

And say a prayer through the intercession of St. Nick (and others)

In the local church for Mass they all came,

Where they were welcomed warmly and people learned their names.

Hello Cameron! Hello Erin! And hello Emily and Matt!

Hello Kandace and Katie! Hello Mariah, Melissa and Matt!

Hello Cecile and Rhianne, Sarah and Julia, Colin and Eoin, Josh and Matt!

Let's stand over here and have a little chat.

"So your stuck here for the night?" the deacon asks,

We'll find you places, its not a hard task.

The community was great and took as all in,

We didn't have to resort to a motel or an inn.

In the morn' we arose and found the sky clear

And December retreat was now one day near.

Onwards we continued to the town of North Bay

To arrive at the retreat in less than a day.

We know God provided for us all the way,

Our hearts are lifted and together we pray,

We thank Him for His blessings and His grace,

For being with us and finding us a place.

And now it's the eve before December retreat

We'll clean out the garbage from between the seats

Clean our vans then we're off, to the camp we will go,

Nothing will stop us, not even the snow (God willing!)

Massive Worship and Encounter Team Two

Sends forth a message to people like you

We pray that God's blessings shine like a light,

and Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

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