
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

And also...your spirit?

Hello again from the beautiful city of Halifax!

It's Lauren here, and I'm just going to fill you all in on what's been happening over here in Nova Scotia. As we all know, the Church switched to the New Translation of the Mass at the start of this Advent season, and I have to say it's been pretty funny stumbling through the Mass with everyone else. I don't think I've successfully said "and with your spirit" through the whole Mass. Then again, I'm not sure if anyone has. All I know is, it's been pretty interesting and quite entertaining, but putting humor aside, I am seeing the fruit of this change already. There is a deepened sense of reverence for Mass and what we say during the Mass and how important it is. It's been really amazing to see this change happen.

Ministry has been going very well as well! We've been focusing on parables with our Beyond group in the past few weeks and it's been really fun to teach the youth about parables and their importance. One of the highlights was when each of the small groups created a skit that reflected the message of the parable. With S.H.Y.G., our High School group, we had a night about God's Reckless Mercy and at the end of the night, we had confession available to the youth and every single one of them went. It was such a powerful night for them and we were all really blown away by how much the night impacted them.

Since it is the last week we have here in Halifax before we head back to Ottawa for December Retreat, we had a Christmas themed social night for S.H.Y.G. that included Gingerbread Houses, Christmas music, and Christmas games. The "Guess the Christmas Carol" game turned out to be quite intense, and probably the favorite part of the night. All in all, looking back at our first half here in Halifax, it's been amazing! We've met so many wonderful people and have seen God do some pretty awesome stuff too! We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and look forward to sharing with you more Days in the Life of iNFUSE Team 3 after the break!

God Bless!

(iNFUSE Team 3's Blogger)

From home to home, and heart to heart, from one place to another
The warmth and joy of Christmas, brings us closer to each other. - Anonymous

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