
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Our God is not dead, He's alive, HE'S ALIVE!

Crunch time is on! We are down to last few weeks of ministry here, and it will definitely be a bittersweet goodbye! We are all so excited to go back to our families, but cannot bear to say goodbye to everyone here at Sacred Heart.

On Thursday April 7, NET staffer Matt Fradd, came to our small town to put on an event. The event was called "Interview With An Ex-Pornstar." We had been praying for this event for a long time, and were kind of skeptical of the number of people that would be coming, but still trusted in God. As the time came closer and closer, and we were finishing setting up for the event, people started pouring in the doors! I was so excited, silently praising God in my heart! The event was so good! Oh my goodness, I know it changed a lot of people's opinions.

After Matt's event, our supervisors came up for a visit! It was so great to see them again! We missed them so much! This supe visit also had a bittersweet taste to it. We had an amazing time, but it was sad because it was our last supe visit of the year. It was great to have them around and to share more memories with them.

On Friday April 8, we had an Edge night entitled 'kNOw.' One of the parishioners came in to share his testimony and how he came to know Christ. This night was focussed on drugs and alcohol, and the power of saying 'no.' His testimony focussed on his struggle with drugs and alcohol, and then how he overcame that. I think that the youth really got a lot out of it.

On Saturday, we brought 17 of our youth to a Think Fast at OLVC (Our Lady of Victory Camp). The total youth at the event was 32, and we brought 17! Praise God! It was really great, because the kids were all excited to fast in solidarity with those who go without food everyday. Isn't that amazing? Who is ever excited to fast?

The following Friday was an Easter social EDGE night. We set up different game stations, including an egg and spoon race, finger painting with chocolate sauce BLINDFOLDED, Easter egg hunt, and a bunch of others. The games were a competition, so the kids competed against each other to see who could win the most tokens. I had fun even watching the kids and running stations.

The Edmonton diocese recently finshed the 40 Days For Life, and as a team, we had the privilege of going to pray in front of the abortion clinic. A couple of ladies form our parish were there with us for the hour, and close to the end of the hour, we all sang together the Hail Mary. So beautiful! That same Saturday we came back to our beloved parish and put on another Crossroads Coffee House. I love this ministry! It's just a chance to get together with youth and other people of this parish and have fun and hang out. So lovely.

On Palm Sunday, we had Lifeteen. Since this Sunday is otherwise called Passion Sunday, we thought it would be appropriate to watch the Passion of The Christ with our high school youth. One of the youth had never seen the movie before, and she was really touched by it.

This past weekend was EASTER! Oh my goodness, we were so so so excited about Easter! We went to the Easter Vigil, and it was so beautiful! I was so ansy all day in anticipaton. Us girls got ready together, and it was so fun! It felt so good to belt out ALLELUIA!!!!!! Praise God. On Easter Sunday, the girls made a BIG beautiful brunch to enjoy as a team, and then we had a team prayer full of praising God and Alleluia's! Yesss! We then went for a walk on this beautiful day. We felt refreshed and full of the Holy Spirit all day. So awesome!

So that is a really long update about what is up in Wetaskiwn, and I wish I could say so much more... but this blog is getting SUPER long! We love you all, and are praying for you! Seriously, thank you so much for supporting NET Ministries, we couldn't do it withough your prayers and support.

God Bless,
Katie Doyle

iNFUSE Team 3

Wetaskiwin, AB

"DEATH IS SWALLOWED UP in victory. O DEATH, WHERE IS YOUR VICTORY? O DEATH, WHERE IS YOUR STING? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law; but thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." 1Cor. 15: 54-57

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