
Monday, April 25, 2011

The Massive Warship Attack

It's Andrew from Steinbach.

I'm here to tell you about our week of Massive Worship!!
We've all been working quite hard to prepare for this, but really... the parish was blown away!
My job is to do my best to tell you what happened... and what's with the Massive Warship.

The Massive Worship team arrived in our parish here in Steinbach on the Sunday night. We got to hang with them a bit that first day, though we were putting on our LifeLine night – more on that in the next blog. So, youth ministry called! That’s what we’re here for!

That Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday was the parish mission. Monday and Tuesday went as follows: they started with a few upbeat songs, which everyone was happy to clap along with. Next a great talk was given by one of the Massive Worship team members. (I have already been told by numerous parishioners how great and insightful the talks were for them.) After this there was a drama, followed by praise and worship. It was great to see the parish so unified! Wednesday night began with mass, which of course the MW team played for. Following the sacrifice of the mass there was another talk, and then Adoration! It's so cool how much of a difference music makes. Everyone was drawn into adoration together. Music, peacefulness, and God our Maker. It was beautiful.

Next was the Youth Rally, which was held at the Mennonite Church next door to our church. We had been planning and advertising this for a while, so it was much anticipated. It was so great! Brenden opened up the night with a prayer, and then invited someone from Helping Hands food bank to say a few words. All the proceeds of the night went to this organization. I was at the back mixing the music on the sound board, so I saw the place fill as people came in, and I could hear a buzz of anticipation. When Massive Worship came on the stage, and began their opening song, everyone was right there and involved, clapping along and shouting out their praise. It was a night loaded with music, goodness, and God! My personal favourite.

Then, last of all we had our musician's retreat. It brought back great memories for me of music training at the beginning of the year. Lots of youth, and even some older ladies from the parish choir, came out for this. The retreat was filled with talks on the heart of worship, and how and why we play music - for God, and his greater glory! Then there were skits and games to loosen up our diaphragms. Next off we had the hands-on workshops. Here everyone broke off into groups: two guitar groups, one bass, one electric guitar, one drum, one keyboard, and one vocal. During this time I wandered around seeing how “my” band was doing, which was in fact stupendously. (The band apparently needs to be renamed since “Andrew's Band” doesn't quite cut it.) We had a couple of band jams, in which, to my great delight, the band (my band) established a groove without me! I cried tears of sadness and joy. The retreat ended with adoration, which was truly moving thanks to the awesome music that led me into the time of worship.

The parish was so sad to see Massive Worship go, and there were tears all round. And now already we're starting to hear how much people will miss us. Man! I love Steinbach, and Christ our Saviour! They are so much fun, and it so rubs off! Thanks to the Massive Worship invasion, the parish is even more alive than before! And the band is making a name for itself! ;)
Oh ya! To end off, one of our youth made up this joke: “A dude sees a big aircraft-carrier go by... what does he say... ... ... WOW! That's a MASSIVE WARSHIP!

God Bless!
See you in Jesus!

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