
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Jesus Christ Superstar

Hello everyone, once again, one of the sisters has hijacked the blog from Patrick. This week, it's Bernadette reporting to you from Smithville, Ontario. The past two weeks have been packed with retreats, overnight bags, road trips, team days, a no-obligation day, and a supervisor visit. All of these things added up to make 14 days of AWESOME.
Yesterday we had a team day and went down to the lovely falls of Niagara. We all bundled up with hats, scarves, mittens, mitten warmers, (and pretty much everything else we could think of to keep us warm) and went out to brave the frigid cold. For Cristy, Tanya, Danica, and Patrick, it was their first time ever seeing the falls. They were all amazed but I think Cristy was more thrilled over the fact that she could see her home land, the United States, on the other side of the falls. As a team, we all went glow-in-the-dark mini golfing. It was really neat and I wasn't nearly as horrible as I thought I would be. When we split up for men's and women's sessions, us ladies went to a wax museum. Most of us had never been to one before so it was definitely an experience we won't soon forget. The guys decided to put their manhood to the test and go into The Nightmares Fear Factory (a deathly terrifying haunted house). We have provided a few photos of their experience for your enjoyment..hah.

Pat and Meaghan came down for a supervisor visit while we were in Pickering/Ajax. While they were down, we went bowling and once again had the debate: 10 pins, or 5? I am a big believer in 10 pins. Plain and simple, it's just easier. Another debate we have is: big bowling balls vs. small bowling balls. I am also a big believer in small bowling balls. The big ones are super heavy (and I'm super weak) and you're always exhausted by the end of your excursion to the bowling alley. The East coast has it right folks, 10 pins, small bowling balls! That's the way to go.

We had a no-obligation day while we were in Pickering. We took a van out to Toronto and some people went downtown to explore, while others spent the day with family and friends. To end off the day, all of us met up and went to York University for an Adoration event going on for university students. Fr. Mark Goring gave an amazing reflection and he graciously exposed the superstar of the night, our Lord and Saviour, Mr. Jesus Christ! The night was filled with beautiful music led by Joe Zambon, and the forgiveness of many sins, through the Sacrament of Confession. There were lots of familiar faces at the event: some NET alumni, Jesse and Jocelyn from NET staff (who coincidentally happened to be in Toronto that night), and as mentioned before, Fr. Mark.

I am pleased to announce that we have successfully had our first overnight retreat (WAHOOO!). The theme was Real Love and the entire retreat was very much led by the Holy Spirit. On the first day of the retreat, it felt as though nothing was coming together. Individually, no one felt prepared but as soon as the retreatants arrived, everything just seemed to fall into place. The talks, men's and women's sessions, the small groups, and everything else went so much better then we could have ever expected. The entire thing was very anointed. We all had a really great time. The retreat was for high school students and because it was a smaller group (15 students), we had the opportunity to get to know them all better. We left the retreat feeling as though we had gained a few new friends. Also, at the end of the retreat, Tanya had the opportunity to fulfill her life's dream... to sit on a yellow school bus! Unfortunately for Tanya, they don't have yellow school buses in Ireland but I guess this is just one of the MANY reasons that she should move to Canada... :)
The next two weeks will be filled with retreats, overnight bags, road trips, team days, a second no-obligation day in two weeks (exciting!), and BRANDON'S 20th BIRTHDAY! We will also be going to Scarborough to help out with a NET Come and See Weekend. We are all very excited about it and can't wait to meet all of the potential Netters. Who knows, maybe some of us will be on team with them next year. How exciting!

God bless you all!

Bernadette Dobbelsteyn
Encounter Team Two

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