
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Hey everyone,

I hope you are all having a blessed Advent, things here in Drayton Valley have been wonderful there is over a foot of snow on the ground and chill is in the air, and we are preparing to wind of this part of the year, but not without a few ministry updates, so lets begin!

Things have been going very well here, we have finished our first Leadership Training Series, and may I just say that our volunteers are the bee's knees (If you don't know what the bee's knees means, it means they are awesome). They are all very excited about helping us out with ministry and guiding our youth into a deeper relationship with Christ.

Youth nights have been what I would consider very well received by the youth, we have a group of youth who are consistently youth group and we are starting to get a lot of new people interested, although our nights sometimes don't always go the way we planned them I believe this is just God's way of teaching us to be flexible with our schedules, and ideas. One such instance was when we had planned to have a confession night with our High School Group, but circumstances beyond our control did not allow for it to work out, so with a week to plan a new youth night we got down to business, after much brainstorming we came up with the idea to show them a video that we had been shown at Training called "How Great is our God'. It is a video in which we are given a glimpse at the sheer massiveness of our Universe and helps put into perspective the size of God, but then it flips it and tells us how intimate God's relationship is with us and how he holds together, to illustrate his point he talked about this Cell-adhesion Molecule called Laminin and basically what it is, is a protein molecule that acts like the rebar of the body holding us together.

So needless to say God was very much present in the planning of the night and it was very evident on the comments made by the youth about " How they had never thought of it like that before" and how it was "Really Cool how he used science to explain God"

Next week we will be heading out for December Retreat in which the staff will be giving us a retreat and prepare us to go home at Christmas. So as I write this I ask you to please pray for all of us this Christmas and we will be praying for you and your Families.

God Bless, and may your Advent and Christmas be filled with Many Blessings.
Jonathon Prieston,
Drayton Valley,AB

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