
Monday, October 28, 2013

God is Good!

This week we had our second senior high youth group and the theme was «Qui croit, pourquoi?» (Who believes, why?). Kristen shared with the youth that it is reasonable to believe in God using an analogy with a can of peas, explaining that just as it is reasonable to believe that there will be peas in the can once she opens it because other people have told her that they've bought canned peas before and found and there were indeed peas inside, it is also reasonable to believe that God exists because other people such as martyrs have testified to the existence of God even when all they needed to do to save their lives was renounce their faith. She also explained to them that while we can’t definitively prove God’s existence, no one can definitively disprove God’s existence either. The youth loved it and got a lot out of it.

We also had 8 new students come out to join their friends who came out last time! It was crazy to see the courage our youth have to talk about youth group with their friends and invite them out. Some of the new students seemed unsure about things and the event in the beginning but by the end of the night they were all having fun and said they’d come back night time. A big highlight for many of them was the prayer time which is AWESOME!

We played Chaos to start the night off!
God is doing so many amazing things through us this year already and I can’t wait to see what he has in store for us!
Katelyn Sutton

Les Équipes

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