
Monday, February 25, 2013

Host Families Rock!

Last week on Ash Wednesday, as a team we played the music for the service at the Catholic high school here. In the evening, we held our PULSE Jr. high youth group, where we watched a short video explaining the meaning behind Ash Wednesday and then went to Mass together.

This past week was reading break for the all schools, so we had a break off from ministry events. We had the week to catch up on work in the office and spent lots of time together as a team.

We also got to spend more time with our host homes this week!

One of my favorite parts of being on NET is defiantly host homes. 

James 1: 17 Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above.

Everyone who opens their front door and welcomes us in, are answering to the call to follow God's desire for us to be generous and welcoming to everyone who we meet.

Sometimes walking into a house you have never been in before and sitting down for dinner with a family you have never met before can be scary. But all of the families have been super welcoming, and usually tell us that their house is our house for the next two weeks. At host homes, we usually do whatever our host family is doing. I have gone to hockey games, movies, and even late night grocery shopping trips with host mom's. I actually feel like I am apart of the family while there, and it is so nice when we see them at Mass on Sundays and have someone to sit with! Having host siblings are the best, because they are just so excited to have us there to play with them! 

This week has been pretty wonderful. We are all excited for this upcoming week of ministry and to see everyone we haven't seen for the past week.

God Bless,
Love Amy ten-Bohmer
Lethbridge, Alberta 

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