
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Country Folk!

Hello again to all our AMAZING blog followers! I hope this day finds you doing WONDERFULLY! I have a lot to tell you about, so I'd better get started.
On May 4, for our team day, we spent the day at Peace Hills Park. We had a picnic, played on the jungle gym (oh to be a kid again!), went for a long walk, and even had a water balloon fight!

On May 6, we went to Sacred Heart School for a special event! The school gave us the privilege of leading the living rosary that they do every year with their students. The students held the candles that were being lit at the start of each prayer. I was so pleasantly surprised at how respectful the students were during this time of prayer!

On May 7 we had the oppertunity to go to the Confirmation Mass celebration. We have journeyed for a couple of months with the candidates, and I was so blessed to be a part of the final part of their confirmation journey. I know that the candidates have definitely changed during this journey, and I am excited for them to continue to change through the Holy Spirit! After the Mass, I had the privilege to direct a drama. Some of our youth and Marcus and Cecile from our team took part in the Everything Drama. It is to the song 'Everything' by Lifehouse. I know it is a drama that has changed my life in a number of ways, so I was really excited to direct it and to have them show it with the parish on this weekend.

On May 8 we had our highschool youth group meet and play Ultimate Frisbee for the afternoon! It was a hit during NET training for a lot of netters, and it was a hit here in Wetaskiwin! We had so much fun playing!

Us girls have been having a blast at our host home! We are staying on a farm with lots of fields to play in and horses to hang out with! So fun! For our day off on May 9, we took a four wheeler and went mudding in the fields. We got covered in mud! Oh yes, we are country folk!

On May 10 we celebrated DJ's unbirthday. We went to the beach and played frisbee and football. Somehow in the mix of things, we got a little silly and started to throw each other in the water! WE GOT SOAKED TO THE BONE! But it was all in good fun!

On May 13 for our EDGE night, we called it "Little Hands, Little Feet." It was an issue night focusing on abortion. It fit right in because on May 12, we joined in the March for Life in Edmonton. The night went incredibly well. One of our crew did the talk, and it seriously blew me away! I could tell that he was really convicted that abortion is wrong, and he showed that to the youth he gave the talk to. For prayer time, we got the youth to light a candle and put in on the altar to show that they are praying for all babies in the womb. It was really powerful!

Earlier that Friday, we went to Lacombe (about an hour away) and put on a 'Who Are You?' retreat for grades 7-9. It was so great! The youth were so comfortable with us, and shared so openly in small group. They all loved it, and we got so much good feedback from them. One youth said this: "I enjoyed the small group experiences at the retreat. I connected with God during the prayer time. I loved the different games we played with the NET group." Praise God for all His good works He is doing!

On May 14, we put on another SUPER successful Crossroads Coffee House! This one was the biggest yet! We had three full bands play 3 songs each.

The weekend of May 13-15, iNFUSE Team 3 was so incredibly blessed to have Marcus' parents for a visit. It was really great. We all love them so much, and LOVED having them involved in our ministry for a weekend. So great!

Lifeteen on May 15 was a WATER FIGHT! We had TONS of water balloons and water guns. It was so much fun, everyone got so wet! It is so so so sad to say goodbye to our Lifeteeners, but I know they are in good hands here at Sacred Heart Parish.

This weekend will be filled with crazy emotions! We leave our beloved parish on Sunday after mass. On Friday we say goodbye to our Edgers, and on Saturday we say goodbye and thank everyone who has helped us out this year. Sunday we say goodbye to our whole parish! Even just thinking about it, I cry! We have been so blessed this year and have been surrounded by so many amazing people, and it will be really hard to goodbye to this second home of ours. THANK YOU SACRED HEART PARISH! WE LOVE YOU!
God Bless,
Katie Doyle
iNFUSE Team 3

Wetaskiwin, AB
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15: 13

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