
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Finishing Strong

Hello all!

            Encounter two here, and we’re finally back in the Ottawa area! The east coast was amazing. It was so nice to be near the ocean for so long. We were able to hit New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland. It was a really cool experience, for most of us it was our first time being to Newfoundland! We didn’t get all of the way to St. John’s, but we were able to go to Mary’s Town, Corner Brook, and Stevenville. Newfoundland is such a beautiful province!

            This Holy week we did a fair amount of driving, as we celebrated Palm Sunday in Halifax, Nova Scotia with Archbishop Mancini, and Easter Sunday in Deep River Ontario! It was really cool to experience Easter with other families and take part in other traditions. The families and the parish in Deep River really made us feel at home!

            Just recently we had the opportunity to run an overnight Encounter Event at Centre de L’Amour in Rockland, Ontario. It was really awesome being able to run an event at the place where some of our NET training was held.  We got to watch the youth grow in their faith throughout the event, at the place where all of us grew a lot in our faith. There was one gentleman in my small group that really wasn’t sure about his faith, coming into the event. He was really awesome, and very real with me. He was a very genuine guy and he wasn’t afraid to tell me exactly where he was at, which was really cool.

            At the end of the second day there was a time of prayer and adoration, and all of the guys in my small group were very engaged in it. After the adoration we met as a small group, and he couldn’t help but share his experience. He told us about how during that prayer time and adoration he realized that Jesus IS his best friend, and that he wanted a relationship with Him. It was amazing because he didn’t come to this realization through what we did or said, he came to it by sitting in the presence of God and being open to Him. It was incredible to witness!

            As our year of ministry is coming to a close, or schedule is busy as ever! Currently we are in the Pembroke diocese, and our last events take place in the Toronto diocese. Keep us in your prayers!

God bless
Mike McCallum
Encounter 2

Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Beginning of the End

The youth here never cease to amaze me! For our junior high youth group a couple weeks ago we had a time of Adoration, during which we invited the youth to approach the Blessed Sacrament on the altar and sign cards as a physical sign of their commitment to living their lives for Christ. As soon as the invitation was made, the first person got up and started walking towards Jesus, and before she made it all the way there, about 7 other youth rushed from their spots and started running towards Jesus, eager to commit themselves to Christ! It was absolutely beautiful. Many youth also received the Sacrament of Reconciliation that night too. I am so thankful for all that God has been doing in the lives of these youth this year!

For Easter we spent the entire day with one of the families in the area. It was beautiful out and we spent the afternoon outside walking to their cabane à sucre (sugar shack) and we spent some time exploring. We all had supper together and then we spent some time doing music together before heading back to our host families.

Last night was our last senior high school youth group and we spent the night empowering the youth to continue their faith journey even after we leave. We had an obstacle course that encouraged teamwork among them. We talked a little bit about the way society views youth these days and the way that we’re called to rise above those stereotypes and dare to do great things and make the world a better place. Paul shared a bit of Pope Saint John Paul IIs love for youth and then we invited the youth to join us in the Church and choose one of his quotes off the wall that inspire them and reflect on it during prayer time. The youth were so responsive to the message and it was a great way to end the year with this group of youth.  

God bless,
Katelyn Sutton
Les Équipes NET