Monday, January 31, 2011
Massive in Montreal
Thursday, January 27, 2011
We Are Blessed
Well, life here in Alberta is swell. We are so blessed to be living in Wetaskiwin and serving God in such a tangible way this year. Maybe that’s the theme of this week’s blog – we are blessed. Well, let me tell you about some of the events we ran this week:
We had a junior high girls' sleepover this past Friday night, and let me tell you, it was incredible. We had 15 girls hand in registration forms throughout the week, so we never guessed that almost 10 extra girls would show up the night of, with registration forms, sleeping bags, and open hearts! We wanted to keep the night very fun and girly, and it was! Nail painting, face masks, and a fashion show were just some of the fun, spa-like activities we offered, but the most incredible thing was the prayer time we had in the church around 10 PM that evening. We had a living rosary, where we made a rosary of candles and as we said each prayer someone would light a candle. Afterwards, we had a time of quiet personal prayer and reflection, and we offered prayer ministry. It blew me away how the young women totally invested in this time of prayer. A few of the girls were in tears – the Holy Spirit was moving! Throughout the free time over the evening, girls would wander back into the church and just sit in Christ’s presence!
The ladies of our team, and our female volunteers helping that night went into the church at 3am and lit all the candles from the rosary again, and sang the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. It was an incredible night to say the least!
On Sunday we had a social high school event – we went bowling! We had a great turnout mostly drawing from the grade 9 demographic as the teens in grades 10-12 all had finals this week, so needed to study. But, it was still a fantastic bonding opportunity with our younger teens! Now, I’ll be honest, I’m a terrible bowler, but that afternoon I came in second on my team!! After bowling for an hour we headed back to the church and played Mafia (our favourite game!), and just chilled with the teens who came out. We had a great afternoon!
Tuesday we had our team day, and we went to a local trail aptly named “Chickadee Trail”. We would stop walking and put a bit of birdseed on our open palms, and the chickadees would land right on our hands and peck at the seed! It was incredible! Because of the snowstorms we have had in the past few weeks, the trail was covered in about three feet of snow, so we had a few slipping episodes (mostly accomplished by yours truly). Anyway, afterwards we headed into the nearby town of Camrose and chilled at a local coffee shop and attempted to dry our soaking jeans (due to the snow on the trail). The amazing thing is the weather here! This week the temperatures have hovered around 0 degrees Celsius, today its up to 6 degrees Celsius! Its so weird, it feels like the beginning of spring!
This coming weekend we are bringing some of our youth to a Face to Face Retreat that will be held at the OLVC (Our Lady of Victory Camp). Pray that their hearts will be open to whatever God has in store for them!
God has truly blessed our team this past week with the incredible weather, the amazing girls' retreat, and some beautiful affirmations from our Parish!
Well, I pray you all have a wonderful week! You, our readers and supporters, are in our prayers!
Cecile Richard
iNFUSE Team 3
Wetaskiwin, AB
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Massive Worship: The Root of it All
Take for instance the Apple III from the 1980’s. Well, okay, it seems pretty archaic now, and most of these computers were recalled because they continued to detrimentally overheat- but hey, look at where it got us: these days Apple computers are pretty much the best computers ever and the most coveted of gadgets. Everyone wants a Mac!
But perhaps some more exciting roots to look at are those of the Saints. I always wonder, “How in the world did they become so darn holy?” Was it their blessed parents and a good upbringing, or their amazing parish community? Or are there just certain people that God zaps with incredible holiness? Just recently I’ve started reading about a more modern saint, Saint Gianna Beretta Molla. What initially attracted me to her was how normal and ordinary, yet heroic her life was. She was a wife, mother, and doctor, which sounds like any number of peoples I know, yet in Gianna there is something special about how she lived her life which I find so amazing and even attainable for me, and that’s inspiring.
Now perhaps Massive Worship’s roots don’t go quite as deep as Apple or even Saint Gianna, but these roots play such a vital role in what and who we as Massive Worship are today. One of the aspirations of Massive Worship from the start in 2005, was to bring together a community of Catholic musicians from all across Canada, creating a unique space for fellowship, training, and spiritual growth specific to musicians. Over the past few years, this vision and goal has expanded to include so much more, especially since our last Massive Worship National Conference in 2008. It’s been three years since then and God has fulfilled some pretty amazing plans for our ministry, including a hugely successful traveling music team. But after three-year hibernation, we are happy to announce that this spring God is bringing us back to our roots!
Great plans have been underway for this year’s Massive Worship National Conference, taking place this spring in NET’s hometown, Ottawa, ON. We’ve got some great speakers and musicians lined up, such as nationally renowned Franciscan University’s youth ministry expert Bob Rice, and talented Canadian singer/songwriter Joe Zambon. The Massive Worship conference is not just for musicians but also includes a great youth ministry and leadership component. Participants will hear and learn from some of Canada’s best when it comes to sustainable youth ministry, effective music ministry, young adult formation, liturgy, songwriting, sound mixing, contemporary instrument training and so much more. Massive Worship conferences have always been a great place to encounter growth for effective music ministry, be equipped and empowered for development in youth ministry and leadership, and experience amazing fellowship with other Catholic musicians and youth leaders from across the country. So join with us once again, March 25-27th, 2011 as we go back to the root of it all. Registrations will open soon so keep watch on our website Stay rooted, and I’ll see you in Ottawa!
Mairin Bierer,
Massive Worship Coordinator
Massive Worship National Conference
Until the Whole World Hears
March 25-27th, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Friday, January 21, 2011
Back with Fire
Greetings fellow inhabitants of the world wide web!
So we are back in Yellowknife after a well needed Christmas break, and we are back into the swing of things with a fiery
Since being back, it seems as though God has been really present within our team. I believe He has revealed the beauty and importance of our team, and how much of a family we really are to each other. We have been thoroughly enjoying each other’s presence both in the office and in our time together as a team. This love for each other and for God is growing so great that we are finding that true desire to share it with those around us. We have a passion for this ministry like none we’ve had before.
Our first Ignite since being back was called the “Ultimate Challenge”, a social night where we had free pizza and set up a series of activities and competitions, and gave out candy for prizes... who wouldn’t want to come? It was tons of fun and actually had lots of new people, thanks to the promotions in the schools that Ben and Mylène created. It was a great success, and the new people said they were coming back.
This week for Ignite, we’re having a night on self-image, and the team's creative juices are really pumping, because we’ve come up with an entire night full of new material for the theme of self-image. Mylène, Ben and Kandace wrote a new drama, while Adele and Tyler worked together to write a two-person talk, and Adam and I focused on some great ideas for the environment. We are praying that the night will go well, and that God will touch the hearts of the youth.
Another exciting event in the life of Yellowknife Infuse is that it was recently Adam’s birthday. We had an awesome night out at Trappers Lake that consisting of an excellent supper, present opening (Adam’s family sent him a parcel full of fun), and a bannock cake covered in northern light candles. We had great fun, and even ventured out onto the lake and saw some real northern lights. A perfect way to finish the night.
We have lots of exciting events coming up, and we would appreciate your prayers for all of them. We have a high school overnight retreat coming up on January 28th and 29th called “Encounter”, we are still hoping for more registrations, and we are praying for a good turn out and for God to really move throughout the retreat. We also have a rally for around 230 grades 5 & 6 students on February 1st, which we are really excited for. As well the week later we have another overnight retreat with students from a community called Behcoko outside of Yellowknife. We are enthused by all of these events, and hope that you will keep us in your prayers as you will be in ours.
We hope that you are all doing well, and that God is blessing you this New Year, and cannot wait to tell you more of God’s amazing work here in Yellowknife.
Until then,
April Fogle
Yellowknife iNFUSE Team 1
P.S. We are currently experiencing the lowest temperature yet here with a bone chilling -41 degrees celsius! Brrrr!!!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Dinner Is Served!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Welcome Back
Back in Action
We are off to a great New Year and look so forward to everything that is to come in the months ahead with Massive Worship. Keep your eyes open for events in your area and also keep an eye out for our blog as I will let you know what we are up to. Have a great day and thank you for all of your support! You guys rock!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Our first week of retreats has gone really well. Our first retreat back was our second largest, and was in Lindsay, Ontario. The youth were very interested in the rosary and we gave away quite a few at the end of the day. On Thursday we didn't have a retreat, but had a couple unique events. In the morning we helped to put on a Spirit Day at St. Thomas Aquinas High School in Lindsay. There were around three hundred youth there, and we had Mass, did a skit, testimony and drama, and had a time of reflection. Later in the day we got to hang out with some members of CORC. CORC starts for 'Catholics on the Road for Christ,' and they describe themselves as 'mini NET teams,' which is quite accurate. They are youth aged 14 to 25 who put on retreats for Confirmation, First Communion and Reconciliation around the Diocese of Peterborough. We were very impressed and inspired by the zeal and hard work that these young people do. It was great to hang out with them and get to know them :) They'll be in our prayers. We also got to meet Cynthia Francavilla, who was on Team One last year! So awesome! :D
Our retreat on Saturday turned out to be an all girls retreat which has never happened to us before. It was different, especially for the guys, but all in all was a great day and a really awesome retreat.
It felt so good to be back with my team after Christmas break and I realized one thing that I missed a lot was team prayer, which is when the whole team gets together to praise God through music and prayer. I feel so joyful and close to God and unified with my team brothers and sisters when we have team prayer, and I realized why when listening to a song by Joe Zambon. The line, “This is what I was created for” stood out to me. This is what we were created for; we were created to praise God, and we were created to evangelize, to bring others to Christ. That is why being here with NET Canada brings me so much joy, it is a taste of heaven here on Earth, to be living out our faith and spending an hour a day doing what we will spend our time in Heaven doing, praising God with a fellowship of faithful.
I thank God for this new year. This second half is going to be filled with so many amazing things, and I thank God for calling us to NET to use us in this way. Please keep us in your prayers as we continue our mission to challenge young Catholics to love Christ and embrace the life of the Church all across our country.
Till next time,
Yours in Christ,
Maria Kalin
Encounter One